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Conservative, Patriot, Gardener, Christ follower and Lifelong Learner!
Conservative, Patriot, Gardener, Christ follower and Lifelong Learner!
It's a MAD, MAD world! In fact, today's Situation Update is a "mad world" special edition, with a super hilarious skit about "accidental" anal swabs of US diplomats in China. Whoops!
Situation Update, Feb. 26th, 2021 - MAD WORLD special edition
This is the road we are cannot be changed..........maybe only slowed down.......!
@Buteo Is there a link to a webpage? Is it "stop the crime"?Thx.
Repost of a good article on actions we can take now to resist the globalist leftist takeover of our country
Now that we realize the entire system is rigged against US
and most politicians and judges just paid puppets
many seem to be waiting for someone else to solve this existential problem.
Fact is it has always been up to each of US to do our part to declare our independence from the globalist slave system
How To Protect Your Local Economy From The Great Reset

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero Awesome article. We all need to start doing many of the ideas article talked about...
Daniel Lee (Dnajlion7) mention this in his broadcast yesterday on Rumble, and I just found the video on Twitter
WTF was going on there???
Look at what I found on Biden’s “Air Force One” he supposedly took today to Delaware:
It’s the retired 2009 air force two model! Look at the tail number! Maybe it’s the very same aircraft Joe Biden had when he was the VP back then?
Here's my interview with Sean from SGT Report. We covered a lot of fascinating ground. Very good stuff:
Details on Florida's action against Big Tech (finally!)
Fla. Gov. DeSantis sends Big Tech huge message with announcement residents can SUE if they’re censored

For years, conservatives have been complaining that the Big Tech oligarchs were censoring and banning them simply for their political views. The left-wing establishment media, beholden to the massive…
www.naturalnews.comOK Really off topic but this bugs the shit out of me, Anyone else??
I hate socks that are tight or restrict blood flow, but I absolutely hate socks that keep falling down and bunching up in your shoes,, It drives me crazy. are there any in between I have not tried. LOL.
check out the live stream bottom right hand corner???
.... Hello! :D
.... cold/calm this am; little buck 2 wks old now - mom rejected; he is from ND buck/Alpine doe...
.... wow; you Mainers sure take your weather in stride... :b
... photos of newborn... jackrabbits around the barn now