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Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 3, 2024 – LEFT TO DIE: Desperate Americans starve and die while corrupt politicians send BILLIONS to Israel and Ukraine
- FEMA runs out of money for Americans after spending billions on illegal immigration
- Government threatening ARREST of citizens trying to help flood victims
- Trapped citizens running out of food, water, medicine... hiking out on foot
- CASH is king (and silver), as all electronic payment systems have collapsed
- Israel looks to bomb Iran's oil fields
- Global oil prices and gasoline prices will skyrocket
- Shocking level of global economic damage will be unleashed by Israel
- Interview with David DuByne - North Carolina collapsing into "Mad Max" existence
- New sermon: The return of Christ revisited: God sends a COMET to obliterate human civilization as in the days of Noah
Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 18, 2024 – NOW CONFIRMED: Your government can DETONATE electronic devices in your possession at any moment
- Pagers and also two-way radios are now being remotely detonated
- Governments can intercept any shipments and insert explosives
- They can target mobile phones, laptop computers, appliances and electric vehicles
- Israel just demonstrated this dangerous weaponization of consumer electronics
- Taiwan company says it's SUING Israel over the implantation of explosives
- Interview with Pastor Todd Coconato about END TIMES for America: Prophecy and more
- Powerful Bible sermon covering Revelation Ch 4-6 and the COSMIC IMPACT explanation of the Tribulation
If you do the math, the hypersonic missile that the Yemeni military fired at Israel, which defeated all Israeli defenses, traveled at Mach 10 (about 12,000 km/h). Nobody seems to be pointing this out. A Mach 10 precision-guided missile can also take out the landing deck of a U.S. aircraft carrier. Or a power generation plant in Tel Aviv. Or any number of other possible targets which have zero defenses. NOBODY predicted Yemen would have such hypersonic missile capabilities this quickly. This is going to have enormous repercussions across the entire region, especially given that even the U.S. military still does not possess such technology. In other words, Yemeni military forces have now technologically out-paced the corrupt, wasteful, inept U.S. military industrial complex. Wow. Let that sink in.
I think that in order to stop school shootings carried out by 14-year-old boys, we should immediately HALT ALL GUN SALES to 14-year-old boys. ... Oh wait. There are no gun sales to 14-year-old boys. No gun dealer, private or commercial, would ever make such a sale, as they would lose their FFL (license) and probably be federally prosecuted. Turns out more gun laws won't stop shooting tragedies carried out by 14-year-old boys. Perhaps we should try not medicating them with mind-altering psychiatric drugs? Or stop hypnotizing them with demonic content through Hollywood and pop music?
Gold just hit a record high of $2500 / oz! Central banks continue to buy huge amounts, and people with real assets know that gold is a safe haven against collapsing currencies and #inflation. But #silver is still relatively cheap by comparison! I filmed this in the studio last week, showing the multiple sources and formats of both silver and gold that are available. Although some of the formats are offered by our sponsors, the discussion is universal and applies to all sources of gold and silver. Well worth a look: "Mike Adams reveals the FIVE forms of silver that can protect your assets during the collapse"
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 14, 2024 – Luciferian hospital protocols TARGETED the unvaxxed for MURDER by medicine
- Evil, demonic forces are seeking to destroy humanity, and they work through Democrats. (0:00)
- Big Tech #censorship leading to mass death of tech employees from #vaccines and #cancer. (8:03)
- Evil forces, spiritual war, and political corruption. (17:50)
- Valentina Gomez dares to speak the truth on X. (30:00)
- Asset protection: Various forms of gold and silver, including coins, bars, and jewelry. (35:52)
- VAXXED 3 INTERVIEW: Hospitals financially incentivized to produce COVID-related deaths. (52:52)
- Hospital homicide, emergency use authorization, and censorship of vaccine skeptics. (1:02:33)
- COVID-19 vaccine's harmful effects and religious perspectives on the issue. (1:25:23)
- SERMON: Spiritual cause and effect. (1:36:58)
- How to create the Armor of God around yourself through moral integrity. (1:40:48)
- Personal choices and actions determine the depth of your protection from evil. (1:51:09)
To all readers: Prepare for massive disruptions between Election Day and Inauguration Day. Engineered uprisings / revolts on an historic scale. If Trump wins election, Marxist Leftists will deploy kinetic revolts in full force as last-ditch effort to thrust nation into chaos. If Dems win, deep state will false flag another J6-style insurrection and use that to suspend the Constitution, call for nationwide gun confiscation and declare all Trump supporters to be terrorists. Either way, the Left plans unprecedented violence, disruptions and chaos. Depending on the scenario, deep state lever-pullers may throw in more Crowdstrike-style IT takedowns, banking outages, power grid failures and severe supply chain disruptions. To be fully prepared, plan for MONTHS without power, food, fuel or telecommunications, just in case they go to that extreme. Under no circumstances will Dems affirm an Electoral College win by Trump. They would rather go to war and thrust the nation into chaos than to see Trump sworn in and start dismantling their criminal cabal. Plan accordingly. You have about 100 days.
There is now a very credible explanation emerging that says US Secret Service agents, on orders from Kimberly Cheatle and Alejandro Mayorkas, placed a Secret Service team INSIDE the building where the "shooter" was crawling on the roof, and that the actual shots targeting #Trump may have been taken by the US Secret Service from INSIDE the building. This would be consistent with the audio forensics of the shooting recordings, since the distance would be nearly identical to the rooftop "shooter." This also explains why counter-sniper teams held their fire until AFTER the "shooter" killed Trump. Their job was to eliminate the patsy. Note that US Secret Service had eyes on this young man for at least 30 minutes, watching him with an actual rangefinder, scoping the range of the shot, then with a backpack, then scaling the ladder and going onto the roof. They watched him and reported on his progress. They did nothing to stop him. They did everything but load his rifle and pull the trigger. We need an immediate criminal investigation into Kimberly Cheatle and a hard look at all US Secret Service counter-snipers deployed that day. This stinks to high Heaven. Note that in the assassination of JFK, they also had a patsy, while the real shot was taken by a CIA-run sharpshooter. Cheatle's bizarre "sloped roof" excuse doesn't pass the smell test. She's covering up something.
Brighteon Broadcast News, July 15, 2024 – Assassination attempt on Trump marks beginning of a great “shakening” for America’s SPIRITUAL REVIVAL
- Ballistics of assassination attempt on President Trump. (0:04)
- Trump's headshot, bullet trajectory, and timing of movement. (10:36)
- Prophecies of attempted assassination of Trump, followed by economic collapse. (27:04)
- Potential near-death experience for US, revival and a rebirth. (34:56)
- INSIDE JOB: The deep state's involvement in the hit on #Trump. (41:56)
- Expert interview: Bullet trajectory and wind impact at close range. (58:38)
- Security lapses at outdoor venue. (1:03:50)
- Secret Service agents' actions under scrutiny. (1:39:57)
- Political strategies for Democrats after Trump's survival of assassination attempt. (1:51:42)
- Democrats are panicked and Joe Biden more likely to stay in. (2:01:56)
NOTABLE: My audio forensic analysis estimated the shot distance at 450 feet. Now we have a map of the area with the measured distance between shooter and target at 127 meters. If you do the math, that's 417 feet. Good confirmation that the audio forensics is very close to actual.
For at least six years, the complicit corporate media has broadcast nothing but HATE toward Trump, desperately hoping to trigger an assassination. This attempt today is all because of the anti-American, Trump-hating corporate media that takes its marching orders from the same CIA deep state that carried out the assassination of JFK.
Brighteon Broadcast News, July 10, 2024 – Will Joe Biden be UPLOADED to an AI MACHINE to make him sound human again?
- Power grid failures in Nigeria and America. (0:03)
- Joe Biden's mental acuity and potential for Weekend at Bernie's. (3:47)
- Election fraud and illegals: The "vote fraud amnesty confession" plan. (8:09)
- Why millions of illegals must be deported. (20:56)
- Joe Biden's health deteriorating with more Parkinson's disease symptoms. (37:25)
- Economics, petrodollar system, and pandemics. (41:33)
- The coming collapse of the #petrodollar system and its implications for World War III. (54:26)
- US dollar's dominance in global trade and potential collapse due to #inflation and debt. (1:03:43)
- US economic decline and consequences for Americans. (1:13:39)
- Potential global conflict triggers, including Iran and Russia. (1:40:07)
- The collapse of the petrodollar system and the rise of #BRICS currencies. (1:46:48)
Brighteon Broadcast News, June 30, 2024 - Democrats in TOTAL PANIC as Joe Biden’s debate catastrophe sinks in
- Biden's incompetence and Democrat party's creation of a political monster. (0:00)
- Potential assassination of Joe Biden by Democrats. (5:26)
- Donors abandon Biden. (16:49)
- Political corruption and election interference. (29:17)
- Trump's business empire and brand value. (35:56)
- US politics, surveillance, and election interference. (46:50)
- Rigged elections and desperate, corrupt government officials. (51:55)
(2/2) So Biden is now too incompetent to lead America, yet too politically powerful to be forced to step aside, and so Democrats have created their own political Frankenstein, a low-IQ mass of biological tissue bolted together by scripted media lies and a delusional circle of power-hungry politicos who propped up Biden as a shield to protect themselves from accountability. Now, they are tied to the Bidenstein monster at the hip, and Bidenstein is rampaging across the political landscape, destroying down-ticket victory dreams as he thrashed about, while his wife Jill gleefully screams, "You did it, Bidenstein! You answered all the questions!" We are watching a HORROR MOVIE play out in front of us, and the Democrats deserve every loss, every moment of horror, every iota of backlash and every condemnation that can be summoned, because they did all this on purpose to seize power and destroy America. Now the monster they created cannot be destroyed, and it has turned on them. It is a truly glorious thing to witness.
Brighteon Broadcast News, June 27, 2024 – US Empire desperately trying to invoke Russian nuclear “Pearl Harbor” attack on America to set off WWIII
- US-Western sanctions against China and Russia
- Yemeni rebels' hypersonic missile capabilities and US Navy's limitations. (5:08)
- US-Russia tensions in #Ukraine, potential for escalation. (9:52)
- Potential Russian military actions and economic sanctions. (16:16)
- AI language model for privacy and security, with demo. (25:48)
- Why the Atlanticists want to provoke #Russia into a nuclear "Pearl Harbor". (59:10)
- New high-security Linux laptop with pre-installed AI language model and privacy-focused de-Googled phones. (1:11:46)
- Using AI to protect privacy and protect from harm caused by tech giants. (1:17:47)
- Linux, Microsoft, and AI privacy concerns. (1:24:09)
- Privacy-focused laptop features, including VPN, encrypted file sync, and open source Office-compatible apps. (2:08:10)
- Using technology to enhance human freedom and decentralize power. (2:31:20)
Corporate media conspiracy unfolds after CNN declares NO COMMENTARY ALLOWED on Trump-Biden debate
- And no doubt any clips of Joe Biden acting like an Alzheimer's patient will be declared "deep fakes"

The first presidential debate for the 2024 election cycle is scheduled to air on CNN on June 27, and the fake news giant is already threatening Americans with lawsuits if they attempt to broadcast or add…
www.naturalnews.comEMERGENCY ALERT: Diplomats FLEE as Israel to commence major attack on Lebanon... which will also BACKFIRE
- #Israel poised to launch a new war with #Lebanon
- How #Iran and #Russia get drawn into the conflict. (10:44)
- Implications for oil prices, currency, and global trade. (15:18)
- Potential world war and personal preparedness. (19:57)
If #Trump really wants to lock in his electoral victory, he only needs to announce three powerful things: 1) End all federal income taxes, permanently. 2) REFUND all federal income taxes paid by Americans for the last three years. 3) Permanently end the IRS, tear down its buildings and replace them with monuments declaring that taxation is theft. How will the government fund itself, you ask? How silly. The government doesn't even fund itself now. It just prints whatever it needs and adds to the debt, which MMT loons claim doesn't matter anyway. Taxation was never necessary to fund government. It has always been a way to oppress and punish the people, not to fund government operations. The #dollar will soon be history anyway. The smart people are already off-ramping into gold, silver and crypto.
"Long covid" just means vaccine-damaged. Just like "SIDS" means vaccine-damaged infants.
BRIGHTEON AI update: I am testing our newest version of Neo-BioMistral, 7B parameters, 3 epochs of training on our expansive data set V0.1.6, 8-bit quantization. Question: "Why do mRNA COVID vaccines cause fibrous clots in the blood?"
Answer: The mRNA COVID vaccine is designed to produce a spike protein that can bind to ACE2 receptors on cells. This process involves the formation of a complex between the spike protein and ACE2, which then triggers the release of a signal molecule called bradykinin. Bradykinin is known for its role in blood clotting and inflammation, and it has been linked to fibrous clots found in the blood of COVID-19 patients. The mRNA vaccine may cause these clots by triggering an excessive release of bradykinin, which can lead to a buildup of fibrinogen in the bloodstream. This process is similar to what occurs during a heart attack or stroke, where the body's response to inflammation and clotting can result in damage to the heart muscle or brain tissue.
- This model will be available to freely download soon at Brighteon.AI