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Words control your mind.
“Where is the man who has forgotten words, that I might speak with him?”
Answer that riddle and you’ll be well on your way to discovering truths you never imagined.
And for the love of all things good and holy in this world, EDUCATE YOURSELF.
Never stop learning and seeking more and greater truths. No matter how “offensive” or outside the normie normland they might be.
Truth is truth. Reality is reality. Never apologize for the truth, it takes care of itself and has nothing to fear or be ashamed of. Only the liars have shame, fear and guilt causing them to self-censor under the excuses of made-up communist labels like “racist” “sexist” “homophobe” “anti-Semite” etc
Turn off the news, turn off social media, turn off mike adams, turn off the screens and fear porn and real porn and just go outside. Walk around, enjoy the weather, good or bad. Talk to real people. Use your five senses to take in reality.
Switch off the fake illusions of screens. Everyone in the screen has something to sell you, something to give and take away. The Faustian bargain of technology. The illusory matrix.
Just live your life. Love God with all your heart soul and mind. Love, live and BE in the world God made for you. Not this artificial screen-mediated hellscape of dopamine hit addiction and ego masturbation.
Good people cowering in fear, afraid to admit the truth. There’s normies and then there’s simply cowards.
Imagine having your country, culture, history, traditions and peoples destroyed by degenerate “woke” communist ideology and having no idea where it came from or why.
Kevin MacDonald was right, European white people are too kind and too naively trusting of others. It’s both their strength and their weakness. Our optimized social responses to trust our leaders and the norms of society have been deliberately hijacked and made into weapons to be used against us.
Who stands to benefit from the ethnic and cultural fracturing and disintegration of Europe and America? Certainly not Europeans themselves but perhaps those who have been kicked out of over 100 European nations over history for their subversive and unholy degenerate influences.
Better yet, remember this: if you want to know who your masters are just figure out who you’re not allowed to criticize.
Next time you’re curious look up the documentary “Europa: The Last Battle” available to watch free on bitchute. Or read the works of Dr. Kevin MacDonald. Open your eyes to what is happening in the world today.
Remember what Christ did to the money-changers (banksters) in the temple. And remember what the Bible has to say about the “synagogue of Satan.”
Keep in mind that tens of thousands of Palestinian Christians are persecuted by Israel, it’s not only Muslims who are victimized by the Jewish ethno state. 800,000 innocent people were forcibly evicted from their homes and lands by British and French troops to create the modern state of Israel, following the unholy Balfour agreement that led to America getting involved on the wrong side of the war. General Patton said the same thing before he was assassinated by the very people he thought he was fighting for.
This is all a spiritual battle, not a material one.
Perhaps God is trying to remind us of this. Americans, even conservatives, have sold out their souls to materialism and the comforts of wealth a long time ago. America under Jewish influence became a crony capitalism of greed ego and narcissism, the vanity and sin of easy pleasures and love of money.
What did Christ say? Do not store up your treasures on earth where thieves can break in and steal, store up your treasures in heaven.
He also said that we ought give away our wealth and take up our own cross and follow him. How many Christian Americans do that?
“Wars and rumors of wars.”
There is good and there is evil. Right and wrong. God and Satan. That’s all that matters.
Everything else is an illusion masking over this one fundamental reality.
Btw I bought some steak today at the grocery store and when I opened it up at home it had a rainbow sheen on it just like you see in those videos of the rivers around East Palestine OH.
Same neon rainbow sheen I saw on my car when the ice was melting. Never seen anything like this before on cars or meat. And I live over 500 miles away from eastern OH.
Distraction, click bait, fear mongering.
What’s new in 2023 in the corporate media or the alt media? Nothing, apparently. Same old same old.
Lots of idiots hating trump and lots of idiots loving trump.
Nonsense lies propaganda gaslighting all playing on the egoism of the brainwashed masses. Left and right is an illusion. It’s good and evil, period. End of story.
Still waiting for those government teams coming to forcibly vaccinate us. Or the “sandman” operation of a hundred countries abandoning the dollar. Or the immanence Russian nukes.
Or yeah, just like we’re still waiting on the epic declass from Trump and all the “white hats” who were going to step in with Trump to save us from the Biden COUP. Still waiting for all of the hopium and copium. Where is it?
Just like we are still waiting for “lock her up” and “drain the swamp”, right?
Just flash more bling on camera and tell us to spend more of our money at the health ranger store and your paid affiliates for our preps because the world is ending tomorrow, right? @MikeAdams
People are literally living paycheck to paycheck and you’re fear-porning them into spending their last few dollars on freeze-dried blueberries at the health ranger store because they think the world is ending and grocery stores will be empty soon, and apparently that’s not enough so you need to literally show off your thousands of dollars of gold and silver coins bling on camera. What a complete joke @MikeAdams @HealthRanger
Wow.. bragging about and flaunting your own silver and gold coins on camera, a new low. Why not just stick to pushing your own health ranger store products as usual? @MikeAdams
Just like mainstream corporate media, much of the alternative media is also there to scare you, blow things out of proportion, and toy with your expectations and emotions.
Why? Is it for click bait to get more views on their websites? To sell more survival products in their stores? For their personal ego? A kind of mental illness on their part? Or because they’re a form of controlled opposition?
Where is the dollar collapse?
Where is the hyperinflation?
Where are the empty grocery stores?
Where are the stalled diesel trucks for lack of oil?
Where are the vaccine teams coming to your door to forcibly vaccinate you?
Where are the death camps they will take you to if you don’t comply?
Notice how the story has shifted; when Trump was in office the overly extreme expectations were often on the positive side, such as:
He will drain the swamp!
He will lock Hillary up!
He will expose the pedos!
He will hold big tech accountable!
He will end fake news!
He will stop the election coup!
He will declassify everything!
And of course none of it happened.
I finally realized what people like Alex Jones and Mike Adams are doing, whether or not they realize it.
They tell the truth but spin it into the most extreme, scary, fear-porn-ish way possible. The effect of this is that once we see how things aren’t really as bad as they were claiming our minds unconsciously accept it. It’s a kind of psychological tactic of normalization via hyperbolization of expectations and the trauma-based manipulation of emotions.
Their job is basically to scare us into thinking the world is constantly going to end tomorrow. This keeps us in a state of fear which de-powers most people, and then eventually just like chicken little saying “the sky is falling!” over and over, the truth in the message loses its potency. We get worn down. We hear horrible things and just accept or reject it without being surprised. Hence: normalized.
@timomalum AI isn’t “demonic” at least not usually, it’s just machine learning. Pattern recognition. That’s it. Nothing magical or special about it.