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Husband, Father
Software Architect & Business Owner
New York
Husband, Father
Software Architect & Business Owner
New York
I have a very bad feeling about what's coming. The weather weapons engineers are going to try to make Tampa look like Gaza. Or Hiroshima. God help all those in the path of deliberate destruction.
Do you realize that the Bible was written to be READ out loud to people who were mostly illiterate themselves? In the days of the authors and prophets who wrote the books of the Bible, literacy was extremely rare. Thus, the "priest class" existed to quite literally read and explain the Bible to illiterate, uneducated people. The good news is that today, you can read it yourself, and you don't have to rely on others to tell you what it says. In teaching the Bible through my sermons at and getting feedback from lots of people, I'm discovering that perhaps 95% of what people think they know that's "in the Bible" came from someone else, and not from reading scripture. And a whole lot of what they think the scripture says is flat-out wrong. I have been accused of making up Bible passages by people who thought they knew the scripture, and then quickly realized they did not. Blind spots. Don't rely on the "priest class" to tell you what the Bible says. You are not an illiterate person. If you can read this post, you can read the Bible. Get started. And you'll discover you haven't been told nearly as much as you think you have.
What the longshoremen need to realize is that EVERY node in the chain of logistics is critical. The longshoreman boss seems to think his crew is the ONLY one that matters. But there are truck drivers, ship pilots, barge pilots, railway engineers, warehouse workers and a whole slew of other people whose participation is also critical for the supply chain to function. If any one of these fails, the entire system craters. The striking of longshoremen will only accelerate their replacement with automation systems that don't go on strike and don't threaten to deliberately break supply chains.
In addition to the longshoremen going on strike to protest automation technology at the docks, I hear there's a group of SCRIBES who have been on strike for centuries, protesting the invention of the printing press.
We are all living under the occupation of an illegitimate government regime, and literally EVERY action they take now is intended to wage war against the Americans people, from the open borders flood of migrants to geoengineering weather control and the deliberate burning of food infrastructure facilities. You are living in a war zone, and your own government is waging war against you using tactics of terrorism and sabotage.
RE: The massive fire event at BioLab, Inc., BioLab is a division of KIK Consumer Products. They make pool cleaning chemicals. The current news claims that a "sprinkler head malfunction" caused the fire because somehow -- seemingly unbelievably -- someone mixed "water-reactive" chemicals into the water that was fed into the sprinkler system. When that chemical mixed with water, it set off the fire. Are they talking about the fire-suppressing sprinkler system? If so, this story is unbelievable, because sprinkler systems have their own isolated water piping systems which are constantly under pressure and connected directly to large water sources, either on-site water storage or large-diameter municipal water pipes. The mixing of water-reactive chemicals with sprinkler water would almost certainly have to be INTENTIONAL. I'm going to put this in the category of "sabotage" unless contradictory facts emerge.
will there be any justice at all though? If there is no justice, what is the point of knowing?
The catastrophic Helene events and subsequent mass flooding should be a reminder to everyone that you can almost instantly lose: 1) The power grid. 2) Cell towers. 3) Food supplies. 4) Fresh water. 5) Fuel / gasoline. 6) Any supplies you have held in one place. This is a stark reminder to all of us to BE PREPARED for what's coming. The next few months will be far, far worse than Helene. More like Hell.
RE: The massive fire event at BioLab, Inc., BioLab is a division of KIK Consumer Products. They make pool cleaning chemicals. The current news claims that a "sprinkler head malfunction" caused the fire because somehow -- seemingly unbelievably -- someone mixed "water-reactive" chemicals into the water that was fed into the sprinkler system. When that chemical mixed with water, it set off the fire. Are they talking about the fire-suppressing sprinkler system? If so, this story is unbelievable, because sprinkler systems have their own isolated water piping systems which are constantly under pressure and connected directly to large water sources, either on-site water storage or large-diameter municipal water pipes. The mixing of water-reactive chemicals with sprinkler water would almost certainly have to be INTENTIONAL. I'm going to put this in the category of "sabotage" unless contradictory facts emerge.
will there be any justice at all though? If there is no justice, what is the point of knowing?
Reminder to everyone that Russia has 100-megaton warheads fitted into deep ocean water suicide drones which are already parked into the continental shelf walls off the East Coast of the USA. These doomsday weapons, which are thousands of times larger than Hiroshima's atomic bomb, merely await low-frequency satellite-based "detonate" commands, and they will unleash a massive tsunami of radioactive water that will absolutely inundate, decimate and obliterate the entire East Coast of the continental United States, making the entire region unlivable for at least three centuries, while decimating much of the life in the Atlantic ocean. On top of this, treasonous fools like Blinken, Sullivan and whoever is running the White House right now are desperately trying to provoke #Russia into a full-scale war, almost as if they want the U.S. to be nuked into oblivion. (1/2)
Have you figured it out yet? It only takes ten steps for the globalists to destroy America. Take a guess which step we're on right now:
Step 1: Launch a fake plandemic psyop to scare everyone into getting jabbed
Step 2: Make sure the jabs achieve mass infertility / depopulation and death of Americans
Step 3: Roll out mass #censorship (Government-Tech collusion) to silence anyone revealing the truth
Step 4: REPLACE the dying Americans with migrant invaders imported from Third World countries
Step 5: Instruct the media to DENY any replacement is happening at all, until it's too late for America to stop it, and then switch your narrative and claim anyone opposing the replacement is "racist"
Step 6: Grant voting rights to all the migrant invaders in order to out-vote the American people, effectively nullifying their political power
Step 7: Once sufficient political power is consolidated, nullify the Bill of Rights, ban the First Amendment, outlaw churches and confiscate the guns
Step 8: Once the guns are confiscated and speech is outlawed, dispatch government execution squads to eliminate remaining American dissenters
Step 9: Outlaw farming, combustion engines, energy consumption and transportation in order to achieve total collapse, mass famine and destitution
Step 10: As each crisis unfolds, demand more power for government to "solve" the problem with things like price controls and government-approved wages
We are currently at step 6.5.
You don’t have a government. They aren’t “governing,” they are persecuting, oppressing, imprisoning, confiscating, murdering, deceiving and waging war against the people. They aren’t even legitimately elected. They STOLE their false “authority” with rigged elections, and they abuse and exploit their positions of false authority to maintain their criminal war against the people. They don’t need your consent, nor do they even attempt to get it. And if you oppose their cabal of power, they will unleash every vehicle of power to destroy you, silence you, bankrupt you and sometimes even imprison you. They feed on war, suffering and death, and their industries of dead foods, death medicine and murderous weapons are designed to extract maximum profits from human blood. In essence, they are ECONOMIC VAMPIRES who feed upon the humans they deliberately slaughter, both overseas and right at home. Don’t dare call it “democracy” or “government.” It is neither. And if they are not stopped, all of humanity will be enslaved, impoverished, then exterminated.
Putin just endorsed Kamala, y'all. He literally said he likes her laugh. Maybe it sounds different after it's translated into Russian?
Now that the DOJ has indicted a couple of Russians for allegedly funding some podcast influencers in the USA, I'm looking forward to the same DOJ indicting AIPAC for funding most of the U.S. Congress without registering with FARA, and for the DOJ to indict China for funding half of Hollywood, and for us all to hear the truth about where the money comes from to fund Breitbart and Fox News and CNN. Will all that be coming out, too? Just in time for the elections?
The red states where voter ID is required should declare they refuse to recognize electoral college "votes" from blue states where voter ID is completely ignored. Why should honest states agree to participate in a system that's obviously RIGGED by dishonest states?
Fascinating to watch so many people who already know they've been lied to about RECENT events suddenly realize they've also been lied to about PAST events (history). Did you really think the history they taught you in government-run schools was going to be any less fake than the fake news they are hammering you with in the PRESENT? Almost everything you've been taught about history is a lie. The lies didn't merely start recently. They've been running lies for centuries.
Thank you for all your support of our mission as we build and grow free speech platforms (like Brighteon) and new public education / nutrition missions like our Abundance church. We're also spending huge dollars on our free speech lawsuit against the federal government, which was filed on Memorial Day. You can help in our mission by supporting us at our online store, and our Labor Day special event ends at midnight tonight. Substantial savings and some nice bonus items as well: See
I genuinely fear for the souls of those who claim to be "Christians" yet who also advocate the anti-Christ stance of the mass killing and attempted eradication of Palestinian civilians, including women and children. A Christian church endorsing genocide is an affront to God and a blatant contradiction of the teachings of Christ. I've authored an article that lays it all out:

From a spiritual and Biblical perspective, there are few things more disgusting than seeing a leader of a church openly advocate for genocide in the name of Christ. Colossians 3:15 says: Let the peace…
www.naturalnews.comThe government establishment tells you to avoid buying gold, don't use ivermectin, stop drinking raw milk and trust in vaccines. This is why every person with a brain should: 1) Buy some gold, 2) Stockpile some ivermectin, 3) Choose raw milk over processed milk, and 4) Never trust any vaccine for the rest of your life. If you want to LIVE, do exactly the opposite of what the government and corporate media tell you. If you want to DIE, just take their jabs, eat their toxic processed foods and lose your life savings to currency printing hyperinflation. The choice is yours.
(3/3) ANALYSIS: If Elon chooses to release 'The Mother of All Twitter Files' it would truly be historic, and a game-changer for the future of America. Arguably as consequential, if not more, as RFK Jr's endorsement of Trump and his joining Trump's transition team. The team of Trump, Vance, RFK and Elon is formidable, and it signals to the rogue Democrat authoritarian regime that their time is up. A new Sheriff is in town, and this sheriff is very versatile in tech, comms, health, nutrition, medicine, economics, finance and more. The Democrats look increasingly incompetent if not downright stupid, with Kamala's ability to talk like an intelligent human being almost non-existent. She's almost as bad as Biden, and Biden has a brain-wasting disease. Things are about to get very, very interesting in the next few weeks. My full interview with Ivan Raiklin will be posted tomorrow (Friday) with a link here. Stay alert in the mean time, as the desperate US State Dept is also trying to start World War III with Russia to create a global emergency before Election Day.
(2/2) Christ was in effect murdered by the Jews, and Americans living today who support Zionist-pushed restrictions against freedom of religion and freedom of speech are ANTI-CHRIST ADVOCATES who effectively side with the Jews who demanded Christ be murdered. Remember: Zionists don't teach the New Testament, and they don't believe that Christ is their savior. They believe that anyone who cites the teachings of Christ should be persecuted, just like Christ. Beware the false prophets of the Church today, who hope you don't read what the Bible actually says, and they hope that Christians will join in the philosophy of persecution that was once wielded as a weapon against the Son of God. Learn the full details in today's Sermon which dares to tell the truth by reading the Bible itself: