God-fearing sinner saved by Grace. Retired (no one ever retires...) cosmetologist over 30 years. Also coached competitive gymnastics for 20. Love to garden, paint (art), lichtenburg, ride horses, watch miracles and prayers answered. I mostly love to love on my family. We are situated in the Great Smokey Mountains in East TN. Very happily married! God is so good!!
It's getting more difficult to be a peace maker. Matthew 5. Where do you draw the line between the Be Attitudes and standing firm in the power of the Spirit? I'm getting to a place of being super unapologetic not really caring about the emotions of people who will not accept any Biblical Truth. I know it's the Holy Spirit's job to "help" change the hearts of people, not ours. I firmly believe that Bible-thumping is a sin and the Bible is clear about throwing pearls to the swine. So... How do I get an attitude check on dealing with people who constantly create discord?