Natrual Farmer, Cider Maker, Dowser, Singer/Guitarist, Entrepreneur.
Member since Mar 2023
Murder torture and rape of children in England.
P6 - ADRENOCHROME (P2 removed by YT) - Please join my Telegram in descri... https://youtube.com/watch?v=9VGvtxFBMII&si=JUiaDdrEASVTQAiF
@PiltownFarm In 2020 YAH SAID anyone who sodomizes or cannibalizes a child “no-one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Saying the devil made me do it won’t spare any of these diabolical reprobates. Abominations like these are so evil they’re a type of blasphemy against the PRECIOUS HOLY SPIRIT and mockery of the Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA/JESUS