God fearing, gun loving child of God. Love cats, cooking and prepping. Hate allopathic sick care and believe we can heal ourselves with what the good Lord gave us. I am in to freeze drying and food preservation and adore my Ninja foodie! Love growing my own veggies and micro greens.
@dreamfriend ok dream I think I got it. I’m still figuring out how all this works, lol .
I am crazy about colloidal silver! I brew a few quarts a day since I use it for so much.
Yet, what’s funny is when I try to help others with it they think I’m stark raving mad, . They say, well it just looks like water. They won’t even give a chance. In fact over the holidays, my nephew stopped eating the veggies I prepared when I said the were soaked in colloidal silver first. His loss.
@Snowcat @dreamfriend Watch for overload on the kidneys though.