God fearing, gun loving child of God. Love cats, cooking and prepping. Hate allopathic sick care and believe we can heal ourselves with what the good Lord gave us. I am in to freeze drying and food preservation and adore my Ninja foodie! Love growing my own veggies and micro greens.
I posted and am sure my posts were banned on you HRR site because they were extremely critical so, I’ll repeat them here and see what happens.
Adams you stuck your nose in something where it does Not belong!
The “Died Suddenly “ podcast with over 10 MILLION views as of now, does not need your bullchit petty comments regarding why Dr. Ruby was not in it. If you needed an answer, why no ask her yourself?
This is petty , and childish and to be honest, looks like serious jealousy.
I’m sure this stings, we’re all human and would love results like Stew Peters is achieving right now.
Yet, the bottom line here is, he did this podcast for FREE, to spread the word far and wide about what these Genocide jabs are doing. And that’s KILLING millions!
But, here comes good old Mike Adams, trying to steal the thunder of these TRUE facts & revelations, with such bullchit, as why was Dr. Ruby not in it?