God fearing, gun loving child of God. Love cats, cooking and prepping. Hate allopathic sick care and believe we can heal ourselves with what the good Lord gave us. I am in to freeze drying and food preservation and adore my Ninja foodie! Love growing my own veggies and micro greens.
Come on Mike Adams, grow up already!
Instead of trying to steal Stew Peters success, why not congratulate him, on a job well done?
People are talking now, eyes are being opened, this is a life saving moment!
Personally, I am truly ashamed of this stunt and seriously question your integrity.
It’s not important who was or was not in this life changing mini documentary, it’s all about the MESSAGE!
You want the big spotlight? Great, maybe get together with Stew and produce a sequel?
Right now this is on fire and needs to be stoked, to get these kill shots stopped in their tracks and the evil held responsible!
Mike, your funny and smart, so don’t let somebody else’s success destroy your own.
Again grow up!