- Artist
- Pro Illustrator
Alternative health advocate, professional gardener and artist
@xprodigiesxv For anyone reading this when you use essential oils as a rule of safety you should dilute your oils 1 drop to a tbsp of carrier oil no more then 5 drops.. Place a drop of that miix
on the back of your hand WAIT 24 hrs. If you get a headache its too strong. Dilute with another tsp of carrier. If you get a rash throw out the product. Its to strong to use.
Over use of any oil can cause issues.
Never ingest oils without supervision ajd only 3 drops a day for 3 days. Those drops must be separated out one morning noon and evening.
Your liver seperates the oils from water. Then your kidneys do the same. Too much will cause damage.
The actual best practice is inhalation. You can still get a headache. But your less likey to have damage occur.