Biden DROPS OUT, Crowdstrike TICKING TIME BOMB warning
BBN, July 22, 2024 - 217 Views - 15 minutes ago
Channel NaturalNews 47.5K Subscribers Sensitivity - Normal (BBFC 12)
Brighteon Broadcast News, July 22, 2024 – Biden DROPS OUT, Crowdstrike #TICKING #TIME #BOMB warning
#Biden #DROPSOUT #Crowdstrike #TICKINGTIMEBOMB #warning #NaturalNews
- #Assassination #attempt on #DonaldTrump, with focus on concentric circles and #bullettrajectory. (0:03)
- #JoeBiden's decision to step down as #President, with criticism and insults directed towards him and other politicians. (23:29)
- #Potential cyber attack on US infrastructure, with focus on CrowdStrike and #ZachVorhees' insights. (29:23)
- Windows security vulnerability and remediation efforts. (34:50)
- Assassination attempt on Trump, blaming Secret Service and potential cover-up. (53:23)
- Potential chaos and violence after US election. (59:07)
- Political unrest, violence, and economic collapse in the US. (1:09:51)
- Software update causing blue screen of death and potential bypass of normal operating procedure. (1:17:50)
- Security vulnerabilities and potential attacks on infrastructure. (1:22:49)
- Linux vs. Windows security and vulnerabilities. (1:28:08)
- #Cybersecurity #vulnerabilities and potential #backdoors in computer processors. (1:39:43)
- CrowdStrike's recent malware attack and its impact on Windows servers. (1:45:34)
- Potential cyber attack through data file updates (1:56:10)

Brighteon Broadcast News, July 22, 2024 – Biden DROPS OUT, Crowdstrike TICKING TIME BOMB warning - Assassination attempt on Donald Trump, with focus on concentric circles and bullet trajectory. (0:03) -…