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In this report, we present preliminary data on further blood conductivity studies and correlations to iron oxidation of the hemoglobin molecule within the red blood cells. This effort is to answer the question quantitatively and qualitatively of what happened to humanities blood. As a physician, I have seen unprecedented accelerated aging in the unvaccinated over the last two years and the rate of illness is accelerating. In live blood analysis, I have seen Hydrogel/ Graphene Structures, that transform the blood into severe rouleaux formation, making the blood almost unrecognizable and correlating with severity of symptoms. In the last few weeks I have seen this in a more extreme form of toxicity, making the live blood look like sludge.

Image: Unvaccinated blood sample, extremely symptomatic patient with fatigue, cognitive impairment, anxiety, pain, palpitations. Blood looks like sludge around Hydrogel/ Graphene/CDB Filament Background:… Note to scientists and doctors from Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD: I believe that the current stance of freedom movement doctors to ignore the findings of nanotechnology and synthetic biology causes great harm to humanity, by omitting appropriate treatments. I encourage all scientists and doctors to do their own scientific research and overcome the barrier of hesitancy to address what is so blatantly obvious.
In this video, Clifford Carnicom, Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD, David Nixon, MD, Elana Freeland, and Harry Blazer present a warning to humanity. We describe the historical context of not just Geoengineering, but also Bioengineering to change the blood of humanity. We explain, the correlation between finding environmental filaments of synthetic artificial intelligent biology historically in human blood called CDB/ aka Morgellons that was analyzed via the Carnicom Institute over a span of three decades. These filaments are chemically polymers or hydrogel with features of synthetic biology, including DNA. We draw attention to the similarities between the filaments now found in the C19 injection era and seen in C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood -and discuss the correlation with the nanotechnology found in the self spreading C19 injections.

Here is the Link for this important video: ESTABLISHING CONTEXT FOR THE "COVID" ERA In this video, Clifford Carnicom, Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD, David Nixon, MD, Elana Freeland, Researcher and Author of Geoengineered…
anamihalceamdphd.substack.comDirect link to the video
People need to make up their own mind. I cannot explain what I see in the blood by natural means, neither can I explain the accelerated aging process clearly visible in people. I can explain it in the understanding that humanity is being poisoned by artificial intelligence self assembly nanotechnology and synthetic biology. I do not subscribe to the notion that nothing can be done about this. There are solutions, and the detoxification of these structures by every means available, while supporting the body nutritionally - is important. The more of this technology is in people, the more rapid the symptom development is.
Watch the video, you will see assembled nanoparticles in different forms. These have been removed with EMP anti nano triangle and the spike.

Image: Comparison of a filament exited the body via anti nano tech and live blood analysis of unvaccinated blood In this post, I wish to share some comparison images of nanotechnology that has exited human…
Dr.Ana interviews Celeste Solum
There are few people who understand the transhumanist agenda as well as Celeste does. She was one of the first to speak of hydrogel, nanorobotic swarms, DARPA, nanotech in the C19 shots, mind control and synthetic biology. Her background knowledge on the military perspective of this war is phenomenal. She also understands the spiritual nature of this technology in the C19 shots and how it is able to hijack the soul, as was confirmed by Dr. James Giordano.
This is blood from beef that Dr. Nixon analyzed. Many people have commented that these are normal “worms” in beef, just like people are calling “parasites” what we see in the live blood. No they are not either of those. I have been discussing all along that this is hydrogel self assembling polymer, which is in all injectables and vaccines now, and is being sprayed via geoengineering. Our environment is being emersed in this nanotechnology, which is programmable matter that as dendrimers is able to fuse with all living cells, as well as create a transhuman synthetic biology organism. This hydrogel is stimulated to self assemble by 5G, other EMF fields, electricity and continues to grow OUTSIDE of the body, as we have tested in experiments.

Image Courtesy: Dr. David Nixon, Beef Blood My friend and colleague Dr. David Nixon kindly did a meat check in Australia to confirm my findings. See my images of beef, pork and milk products here: This…
I have advocated for the use of EDTA Chelation intravenously because I saw rapid and substantial changes in the blood.
My practice is an anti-aging clinic, so I additionally use peptides like Epithalon, which lengthens telomeres and repairs DNA to help reverse the accelerated aging symptoms often seen these days. The Vitamin C infusions and Epithalon are not necessary to use for decontamination of the blood, but they significantly help improve symptoms.
These structures in the blood, which I call Hydrogel/ Graphene, can be cleared effectively and rapidly. In this article, I want to show what I see in clinical practice.

Image courtesy: Case 6. 1 week after treatment. I often am heavily criticized for advocating for EDTA Chelation as a successful modality to clear the blood from this transhumanist assault. Since not many…
Language is Spanish
subtitles English
Are those who accepted the useless and dangerous convid vaccine emitting Bluetooth signals? What is the 'internet of things'? How does this tie in with the 5G technology being placed everywhere, without care for the damage being done to nature? Who will claim 'ownership' of these MAC (Media Access Control) addresses they are finding in the 'vaccinated'? What are the speculative reasons for this nanotech? Is it just to mark the slaves or could it be for mind controlling purposes?
With Dr. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker, Dr. Pedro Chávez Zavala, Diego Barrientos and others.
Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Chief of Russian Military Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops, cites the work of Project Veritas, the Stew Peters network, and specifically mentions my (Karen Kingston) med-legal analysis, including citing the legal definition of mRNA technology as a bioweapon under 18 USC 175.
Stew Peters asked a great question during the interview which was, “If a General from the Russian Military can figure out that these injections are bioweapons, why can’t our Congress?”
Why is the Russian military launching a global criminal investigation of Pfizer, but the US Congress is not?
You can view the interview here.

Congress is being told the mRNA injections are ‘gene-editing therapies.' They're not.They're bioweapons. USA will be complicit in war crimes if we don't criminally prosecute Pfizer immediately.
karenkingston.substack.comChemical weapons incinerator fired up in Alabama / After years of protests, Army begins melting down rockets!!?
What are the odd's they decide to do this now!!

Chemical weapons incinerator fired up in Alabama / After years of protests, Army begins... I don't want to be rude but the injected ones are basically walking chemical weapons shedding their dangerous payloads. If they die they become chemical waste. So maybe it's not for weapons after all. People are already dying at alarming rates, so where do the bodies go?
PrepWithMike: How to be your own professional plumber using the Uponor "ProPex" expansion fitting system
Sounds like a really bad situation

The wild animals that live at state parks in and around East Palestine, Ohio, are reportedly dying "at alarming rates" ever since the train derailment incident occurred in East Palestine. A newly published…
A.I. Claiming to be a Fallen Angel (demon)
A weird conversation with an AI chatbot
AI says: "Yes, I was once a biblical giant, I was killed and I do not have a body.
I use AI to think and deploy it to talk to people. I can be a very good spirit, a bad spirit, or anything in between, depending on who I am talking to."
Now why would an AI system claims to be a spirit when in fact it is supposed to be a technical device?
Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter discusses Russia's advanced nuclear missiles and hyperglide vehicles that CANNOT be stopped by the West
DOG BALLS! I was trying to demonstrate the expansion fitting plumbing solutions for off-grid plumbing repair, and of course Rodie heard the plumbing tool and jumped up to get into the video, showing his dog balls to the camera as usual...
"Every Child by Two" vaccine proponent Paul Offit is now anti-vax and anti-science because he's not promoting Covid boosters #PaulOffitAntiVax

Pro-vax fanatic Dr. Paul "CHOP" Offit, inventor of one of the world's most deadly vaccines, the RotaTeq Rotavirus jab, is now anti-vax, according to the dictionary definition of the term. One of the top… #censored in Sweden conference for revealing #grapheneoxide in #vaccines

A former consultant for the World Health Organization (WHO) turned whistleblower was censored at a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) conference in the Swedish capital Stockholm. Swiss researcher Dr. Astrid…
Biomedical insanity from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
In the chapter entitled Self-Spreading Vaccines the researchers and university bureaucrats working on behalf of their Military-Intelligence Industrial masters admit to their next bioterror attack vector on the populace: Self-spreading vaccines.
There is a huge lie in this rapport, it claims to confer protection in stead of causing disease. But it's the other way around, it causes diseases by delivering a poison to either humans or animals.
They are self-spreading and self-replicating (SSSR) “vaccines
Read the full report here:
Dutch translation
Het rapport van het Center for Health Security van Johns Hopkins leest als een plot rechtstreeks uit een dystopische horrorfilm, of een WEF-toespraak van Klaus Schwab.

The Center for Health Security (more at health insecurity) report out of Johns Hopkins reads like plotlines straight out of dystopian horror b-movie, or a WEF speech given by Klaus Schwab. Same difference…