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Maturing Child of God
Repent &saved by Grace are tied together. Repent is changing from walking in sin to going forward as a new person no longer walking in sin. Sin is defined in scripture as walking forward outside of God’s Law, that is breaking any one of God’s laws. Repent is a continuous way of walking right up to one’s death. No one can earn Salvation by the way they walk, but all are Judged by the way they walk. If the LORD finds them acceptable by the way they walked, He then extends Salvation to them as a gift, Grace. The first command given to us from Yeshua is to live by every word of God, that is a quote He made from Deu. Only the Old Testament existed when Yeshua walked among us on earth. If you can think with logic, that says the complete Bible, Old & New Testaments apply equally today. One Bible, All of the word of God. Mat 5:7-9 is important scripture as it tells one how all will be Judged.
Amazing what is occurring today. Erratic weather, earthquakes, deception & lies, world leaders not being able to think straight all acting together to destroy mankind, major acceleration towards a world war with atomic devastation, food shortages & accelerated food cost, farm lands taken out of production, fertilizer being restricted, evil being called good & good called evil, evil growing as an acceptable new society norm, breakdown of justice & growing violence in cities, WHO, UN, WEF all working towards total control of the entire world population, brotherly love disappearing, hatred rising. Yet everyone, 99%, walking forward & not recognizing God’s hand at work. Rather getting caught up in complaining how our politicians are acting. People walking as in the Days of Noah, thinking there is lots of time ahead, saying Yeshua will not return for a long time, 2Pe 3:3-13, Luk 17:26-30.
Passing God’s end time test means you do not lose your salvation. But you lose all bank funds & real estate assets. You can’t buy & sell. You can’t work & get paid. You can’t use health care services. You can’t pay rents or mortgages or property taxes. You can’t purchase electricity or natural gas or sewer & water. Police services are not available to you. There is no physical currency. You need to go forth by barter only. You can’t vote. You become a total outcast in your own country. You have no rights. The world has the right to persecute you & even kill you. You have no right to life. You must walk forward with total trust in God. Now the bright side, your given Saint status, you are protected against all the remaining 7 plagues God brings down on the world. Either pass & retain your salvation & become one of the Saints or lose your salvation & spend eternity in the lake of fire.
Shabbat Shalom to any Sabbath keepers out there ! “The Lord, The God of their fathers, sent word to them again and again by His messengers, because He had compassion on His people and His dwelling place; but they continually mocked the messengers of God, despised His Words and scoffed at His prophets, until the wrath of The Lord arose against His people, until there was no remedy.” 2 Chronicles 36:15&16
Throughout history the cycle repeats :
1) God prospers a nation, 2) then eventually that nation chooses evil over good, 3) then God sends warnings, 4) then if the people won’t listen and repent He brings harsh judgement, and, 5) if after a period of time the people still won’t repent and turn from their wicked ways he brings destruction.
America is currently experiencing phase 4, and is by all indications headed toward phase 5. “He must increase - we must decrease” … or else …
The white horse is the USA keeping war mongers at bay. The stealing of the 2020 Presidential election was not an accident, it allowed the red horse to rise. Now the black horse is rising. The green or pale horse is yet to come. God’s wrath is now acting upon the evil world. The first 3 plagues are just the warm up. The great reset is going to happen before the start of the Trib & it is very close. There is no going back, no stopping these 10 plagues of God. Man had his chance, repent & prepare.
End of Trib is Jesus 2nd coming, the destruction of all evil people, the start of the Millennium. The rule of Jesus and the Saints with a rod of iron over the entire world from Jerusalem. It is the world living under God’s way. Man no longer can go his own way, he must follow God’s laws, which are the Torah, Zec 14, Isa 2, Mic 4 and many others. The Torah was in place in the past, at the time of Jesus on the earth, again in the future, and at the present – all logical and supported by scripture.
Wake up! The only Doctrine to follow is the Complete Bible. Follow only scripture, all is given for a reason. Why are the 6 main stream Churches so much in error ? They are taught by man in a Bible College, they are not taught by the Holy Spirit. They then teach errors and ignore scripture that goes against their Church Doctrine. They are blinded by self imposed preconceived ideas and can’t let go of them. Check Acts 5:32, if you really follow Jesus and the Torah the Spirit is active in you.
One must know the nature of God before you can read scripture in CONTEXT. God is spirit, He does not lie, He speaks only Truth, He knows more than man, His ways are higher than man's, He is orderly and logical, He requires man to obey Him, He is Jealous and must be first in your life, He is merciful and slow to anger, when He makes a covenant he keeps it, He does not change, and when He says something is forever it stays that way until told differently. All scripture is not a pick and choose.
Paul calls the congregations that he set up as the "Saints:" see 1Co 1:2, Eph 1:1, Col 1:2, Php 1:1, these are the Gentiles that are Zealous for the Torah. The saints are defined in Rev 14:12, they keep the commandments of God, they keep the Torah. The Torah is "Instruction designed to teach us the Truth of God". It is a road map to guide us in our walk, given to us in love by our Heavenly Father to help us to grow and mature as His Children.= Total obedience, follow Jesus, grow in the heart !
In Mat 5:17 the word "Law" is Strong's number G3551, which is Law of Moses, it is also H8451, which is the Decalogue or Pentateuch. These are the first five books of the Bible. All of the Law's of God are contained in the first five books and the Hebrew word that describes this is "Torah". Mat 5:18 is given to us directly from Jesus, it tells us that All the Law or Torah is in effect until the Last Day when heaven and earth do pass away. If you truly follow and obey Jesus you keep the Torah.