As a certificate Health Coach & Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) I came to the conclusion that Gut Health & EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency) protection are the cornerstone of good health.
You'll find a lot of helpful articles on my website, as well as EMF protection products and high quality Supplements.
Videos about EMF measurements and protection tips as well as Gut health can be found here: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/exclusivelyholistic
Cat and/or Dog dandruff allergy issues is easy to "fix"
It's a gut issue, not an issue of taking allergy shots to desensitize the person
I had issues with the cat hair as soon as the A/C was running and the cat close to me. Same with the dog but not as bad
In addition I had severe Egg sensitivity to the point that I was shivering in cold sweat.
The fix is to heal the gut with spore based probiotics, mucosal lining support and prebiotics that do not feed the bad guys as well.
For some people just taking spore based probiotic helped by itself. It all depends on the gut damage, how well the microbiome is established, what you eat.
You can check out those products in the link
and more info in the blog under Gut Health
They are all on sale today

MegaSpore -Prebiotic-Mucosa the best gut restoration bundle on the market, recondition, reinforce,rebuild your gut lining
Exclusively Holistic