Husband. Father. Patriot. Vet
while I can't disagree with @hippiegirl692002 , consider the alternative. He could have stopped the election, Pence could have sent it back to the states for investigation. But then what? He gets 4 more years in office and things are hunky dory...and no one learns anything, the DS gets to prepare more, you don't have the 100's and 100's of child traffickers going to prison, etc. Pence certifying put the DS in a panic, so they changed the rules so the VP was only ceremonial in certifying elections...now when Biden is ousted, the VP can't kick it back. People are waking up in droves thanks to the DS being allowed to run rampant, they're exposing themselves on the daily and people are seeing it. I'm not privy to any "plan", but as former military, I hope for the best and expect the worst. Trust in the Lord, but load your guns.