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Passover is from dusk tomorrow until dusk on Saturday (Shabbat). But that’s just for Jews right ? Is that what you’ve been taught ? Is that what the Bible says ? NO ! Leviticus chpt. 23 God (Elohim) clearly says regarding Passover, Sabbaths, Feasts & Festivals “ These are My Feasts - and YOU shall keep them throughout your generations” ! In Revelation Jesus (Yeshua) is called “The Lamb”. Why ?
He is The Passover Lamb ! - sacrificed for us all to fulfill the blood covenant in our place.
Passover is from dusk tomorrow until dusk on Saturday (Shabbat). But that’s just for Jews right ? Is that what you’ve been taught ? Is that what the Bible says ? NO ! Leviticus chpt. 23 God (Elohim) clearly says regarding Passover, Sabbaths, Feasts & Festivals “ These are My Feasts - and YOU shall keep them throughout your generations” ! In Revelation Jesus (Yeshua) is called “The Lamb”. Why ?
He is The Passover Lamb ! - sacrificed for us all to fulfill the blood covenant in our place.
Reparations could work both ways - but according to The Bible, at this point everyone should just forgive and move on - and Yeshua Himself stated “Love your neighbor as yourself” - not just in word but in deed ! Sadly, it’s easier to hate than to truly love another ...... but it is written that “True love fulfills The Law and the prophets” - and it is by our love for God and our fellow man that we will be judged