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New story: Tyranny spreads in Canada as police now cover names, badge numbers on uniforms to evade identification as they brutally assault peaceful protesters

Canada has quickly devolved into a tyrannical regime under China-loving Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as the police state apparatus loyal to him adopts some very familiar techniques. In addition to…
www.naturalnews.comSituation Update, August 20th, 2021 - Booster shot extermination plans accelerated to preempt global awakening
Situation Update, July 26th, 2021 - CDC withdraws authorization of fraudulent PCR test that drove "casedemic"... a full explanation of why PCR tests are complete science fraud:
Just went live: Alan Dershowitz and Mike Adams discuss censorship, civil liberties and the cultural cancer of BIGOTRY
Just interviewed Alan Dershowitz on the topic of free speech. He didn't hold back. The full interview should post on Friday.
Swine flu vaccine propaganda from decades ago looks almost exactly like covid vaccine propaganda today. SAME PLAYBOOK!

“The ‘pandemic’ scam has been run for decades, but 2020 was the year they finally perfected and globalised it. This from 1976, the “swine flu” scare. It was 100% fake…”
TwitterIs anyone surprised that the person the Austin media REFUSED to describe following the mass shooting on Sunday turns out to be a young black male? You can now assume if they DON'T state the race and gender of an active shooter, it's almost certain to be a black male. But if a shooter is WHITE, the media will be screaming about "white terrorism" and condemning all white people. Truly insane!

The Austin American-Statesman had previously refused to print the police's description of the suspect, citing that it would "be harmful in perpetuating stereotypes."
thepostmillennial.comFull article / commentary with today's Situation Update podcast. NOT a rosy outlook on things: DROUGHT collapsing the food supply, LAWLESSNESS collapsing blue cities as America plunges toward Third World chaos

We are rapidly approaching the end of America and the end of the world as we know it. Every institution of sustainable civilization is being torn to shreds by the anti-human globalists and their obedient…
www.naturalnews.comFull article with citations, just posted: ANALYSIS: Covid vaccine deaths likely to strike 2 Democrats for every 1 Republican… Dems could lose tens of millions of voters before 2024 elections

As much as we have attempted to sound the alarm and save the lives of both Democrats and Republicans (and everyone else) across America, recent polls and surveys reveal that about 95% of Democrats have…
www.naturalnews.comI recorded a last-ditch emergency covid vaccine message for my own family members. This covers the basics of covid, vaccines, spike proteins, the recent bombshell research and more. I decided to make it public so that others could share their message with their own family members who are not informed.
This information can save lives. Pass it on:
I just interviewed Dr. Judy Mikovitz. She has a new book coming out "Ending Plague." You can preorder it on Amazon. This interview should run tomorrow, and it's full of bombshell statements and information about the spike protein and the deliberate mass extermination of humanity.
Order Judy's book on Amazon to help prevent it from being censored. It's already the #1 New Release in Virology:
Ending Plague: A Scholar's Obligation in an Age of Corruption (Children’s Health Defense) [Ruscetti, Dr. Francis W., Mikovits, Judy, Heckenlively, Kent] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.… recorded a podcast with Scott McKay (the Patriot Streetfighter) and it just got posted. Some interesting conversations about the globalists, the fight for humanity, liberty and more:
Wishing you all a good weekend. Keep prepping. Financial events, in particular, are going to be rough this year as you can probably already tell. Don't keep your savings in dollars, as Biden is going to print dollars into near worthlessness...
With DC officials now planning to construct a permanent fence around the capitol building (while halting construction on the nation's southern border wall), it's 100% clear that DEMOCRATS SEE THE VOTERS AS THE ENEMY.
In their minds, they need protection from YOU! they can pass new laws that totally screw you, yet not have to be bothered with any of your protests.
The level of corruption and evil that has now overtaken the swamp is almost too dark to believe.
If you're not familiar with Simon Parkes, he's buddies with Charlie Ward & Robert David Steele. Watch Simon's explanation of "what went wrong" with the Inauguration taking place instead of what these 3 said; how Trump would be Inaugurated, not Biden; the white hat good guys had everything under control, so "trust the plan" (like Q). Listen to what Simon says now, back tracking. Read the comments. A LOT of people think he's now full of crap! What do you think?
Where did all the planes go? What's going on? You haven't posted anything. Monkey Werx hasn't posted in two days and that one was not very informative. I even went to ADSB directly and crickets. What's up, you know?
In the interview I just recorded with Alex Jones, Alex says on the air that Steve Pieczenik is running a total psyop to trick America. So that's going to come out today when that broadcast hits at 4pm central ( I can assure you that there are more, too...