Evil is just another disease in need of a cure! Be the cure assassinate evil now!
Again FEMA cannot legally kick u off any private property only the owner is able. FEMA DHS DONOT MAKE LAWS. FEMA CANNOT CONFINSCATE STEAL any goods donations from anyone,org etc. Americans please read please read FEMAs charter, dhs charter. Understand your US constitution is beyond brilliant, support it, stop allowing jew run agencies to bully u , order u about like dogs. Once you read fema dhs charters, atf,dea n other charters u will understand said agencies r unconstitutional, commit rico violations,racketeering,money laundering , not legally allowed to be funded with ur tax money.
Again the FBI has no charter. J6er families file kidnapping charges,assualt bne n do on. Your congress legally has authority to relocate prisioners. Most important constitution states no American can be tried for any crime in DC nor can any DC resident sit on a jury judging any American.
Yes we been tring to to tell u gor yesrs, u dont listen. Worse of all u dont read
Again file wrongfull death suites against fema dhs all their employees,stakeholders. FEMA cannot steal land either