Patriot in the belly of the beast, first wave indigo empath, Targeted Individual, Libra, "Divergent"/renegade. Armchair warrior
Member since Oct 2020

Lin Wood Special Broadcast: A Process WILL Play Out To Put President Trump Back In Office!
A friend just sent me this interview with Lin Wood that just happened yesterday. So it’s very current and very fresh. You’re not going to want to miss this, there is amazing stuff in here. Not the least…
We Love TrumpINTERESTING! Lin Wood conveys the idea that Trump might actually do EIGHT MORE YEARS.
Now isn't that funny that's what the CIA DEVIL so hated on INFOWARS said weeks ago. Unheard of eh?
I'm about to get REALLY PERSONAL with someone and let the chips fall where they may. HERE, PUBLICLY.
Now what was this about confirmation bias?