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What you’ve seen so far between #Iran and #Israel is just “war theater.” Pre-arranged strikes on Israeli military targets, designed to bomb a couple of runways on military bases, and make big explosions that look cool on video and make people think “we’re winning!” However, if Israel doesn’t let this situation conclude – and they go for REAL war – then the next wave of attacks from Iran won’t be theater. They will target Israeli infrastructure: Power grid, fuel depots, ports, supply chain logistics, government buildings, etc. This will plunge Israel into chaos, and make living in Israel a little bit like living in #Gaza at the moment (although not nearly as dire). With the food infrastructure destroyed, imagine the hypocrisy of Israelis suddenly crying out for food aid. A lot of nations right now would argue that Israeli deserves no international aid whatsoever, even humanitarian aid, given their gross, repeated, repugnant violations of humanitarian principles and international law. For me, personally, I would still want to help anyone who is starving, regardless of their nationality or religion. But karma is truly a bad-assed b#tch, and any nation that inflicts mass starvation (or genocide) on another nation should be prepared for their own actions to come back around and bite them in the ass.
BREAKING: #Iran strikes #Israel as region plunges into escalation cycle that could end in NUCLEAR WAR
(Full analysis podcast to be posted mid-day Sunday, covering all this, at Brighteon)

The following are important highlights about the current escalation in the Middle East. This is actually the outline I wrote for my emergency podcast, which will be published at the HR Report channel on…
www.naturalnews.comANALYSIS: The first wave of missile attacks from #Iran won’t be the “big one.” It will be designed to cause #Israel to deplete its supply of anti-air defense munitions, such as Patriot missile battery missiles. Those are now fully depleted in Ukraine, and the U.S. cannot manufacture any real quantity of Patriot missiles because, of course, the U.S. industrial base continues to collapse. Iran’s first wave of attacks, therefore, is just “Patriot missile bait” or “Iron Dome bait,” and Israel will very rapidly go through its stockpiles of anti-air defense munitions. Once depleted, and with the U.S. incapable of manufacturing any real quantity, Israel will be a wide open target zone for #Hezbollah strikes, not just Iran. “Wave 2” of this attack will be the real thrust, and it will only commence after Israel shows signs of running out of anti-air ammo. That could take a considerable amount of time. Probably weeks, maybe a few months. Watch and learn: You are about to see, over the coming weeks, that Israel’s entire Iron Dome air defense system will be depleted, dismantled and destroyed. From there, Iran’s obvious targets will be Israel’s infrastructure: Power grid systems, ports, bridges, etc. Unless this escalation is somehow stopped, the Israeli people are about to find themselves living in an active war zone, much like what Eastern (former) Ukraine has experienced since Feb of 2022.
announced he is going to sue the CIA and FBI for their real-life conspiracy to destroy Alex's life, finances and the InfoWars platform. I hope Alex pursues such an historic lawsuit, and I can recommend a few things should be present in Alex's settlement offer: 1) A full refund of all federal taxes ever paid by Alex or his companies. 2) An official apology from the White House and all corporate media outlets for conspiring to defame and slander Alex with literally tens of thousands of accounts of fictional accusations. 3) Permanent, presidential immunity against any present or future civil or criminal cases targeting Alex Jones or his companies. 4) Immediate compensation for all of Alex's substantial (multi-million-dollar) legal fees expended to defend himself against bad faith lawsuits. 5) A nationally televised 3-hour Alex Jones special, to be broadcast across all mainstream media outlets, in which Alex gets to tell his side of the story of how he was framed, slandered, attacked and financially drained by an actual conspiracy of deep state operators. 6) CRIMINAL PROSECUTION of the deep state operators, corrupt court judges and false witnesses who conspired to destroy Alex Jones because they didn't want the American people to hear what he had to say. Only then would real "justice" be served in America.
I strongly suspect #Iran is going to retaliate against #Israel in the next 3 days. The key question is whether Iran hits Israel proper, or instead targets Israeli outposts, consulates, embassies or Israeli personnel stationed outside of Israel itself. If Iran successfully lands significant damage in Israel's cities, then #gold and #oil are going to explode, along with lots of other risk indicators. Be watchful and prepared. Like it or not, we are on the verge of a dangerous, seemingly unstoppable escalatory ladder that ends badly for nearly everyone.
I will be hosting the Alex Jones Show this Wednesday, from 12 noon - 2 pm central. Got a great guest scheduled and will be doing a hard-hitting analysis of the coming Solar Eclipse, as well as Israel's dangerous escalation / provocation of war in the Middle East. You can catch the live stream at or on Wednesday.
The current INSECT PROTEIN push will be a lot like the EV wave that has already bombed out. Nobody wants to eat crickets, just like nobody wants to wait 3 hours to recharge their truck on a road trip. The globalists have vastly overestimated their ability to convince people to do incredibly stupid things, and the backlash is building.
Brighteon Broadcast News, Feb 15, 2023 - Capitol Hill PANICS, claiming Russia just launched orbital NUKE platform that can drop multi-megaton warheads out of the sky
- Space technology and knife design with an emphasis on #survival tools. (0:27)
- Removing Joe Biden from office due to dementia concerns. (3:19)
- #Vaccine awareness and skepticism. (13:56)
- Race and commerce in a merit-based marketplace. (23:00)
- EMP weapons and their potential impact on the US. (32:04)
- Potential Russian orbital weaponry. (38:23)
- Russian military technology and national security threats. (43:47)
- Nuclear weapons, food blockades, and supplement donations. (51:27)
- Bank collapse, tax debt, and tech industry language. (56:38)
- Survival knives and their quality. (1:04:29)
- Designing a unique tomahawk knife with Dawson Knives and field testing its versatility. (1:06:58)
- A knife design for escape from urban situations. (1:15:46)
- A versatile machete for surviving in urban and wilderness environments. (1:27:17)
- Sword-making history and quality. (1:34:33)
Matt Bracken joins Mike Adams with ominous prediction about the DEFEAT of the US military and the COLLAPSE of the empire
- US #civilwar risk with guest Matt Bracken. (0:00)
- Texas-US border crisis and potential collapse of global economy. (1:14)
- US military capabilities and geopolitical tensions. (10:32)
- Post-collapse recovery efforts and geopolitical tensions. (14:47)
- US military obsolescence and profit-driven defense policies. (24:45)
- US military spending and foreign policy. (34:50)
- US Empire #collapse triggers and geopolitical tensions. (39:45)
- Post-collapse economics and patriotism in #Texas. (48:03)
When the US empire collapses, Israel will not survive. The world will see both the USA and Israel fall, back to back. And the Arabs won't allow a single Israeli to be left alive in the Middle East, just as the occupying migrant invaders in the USA will try to slaughter every last American they can. We are rapidly approaching an ignition event of mass slaughter and collapse. 99% of the population is utterly clueless and won't prepare. Take note and plan accordingly.
If I were voting in today's Iowa caucus, I would NOT vote for Nikki Haley, nor DeSantis or Vivek. My vote would be for Trump. Would you also vote for Trump given the available choices?
(2/2) Specifically, I believe US Navy vessels will be severely damaged or sunk by anti-ship missiles. A US declaration of war won't be far behind... and many #Muslims across the U.S. will erupt in protest against the Biden regime's joining with Israel in the mass slaughter of followers of #Islam. Biden has lost the Muslim vote, for certain. And it's not even clear if Democrats can hold onto the White House if we are thrust into a full-blown war in the Middle East, likely involving #Iran and then #Russia not long after. But the war hawks in D.C. don't care who is in the White House as long as they get their wars. As usual, the PEOPLE suffer while the weapons corporations and government goons gain power and profit at the expense of everyone else. "Peace" will soon be decried as terrorism in the USA, and those who call for peace will be arrested and imprisoned as "insurrectionists." It's coming. Clear as day.
I wanted to say "Happy New Year," but honestly 2024 is gonna be a total sh#t show, and I don't want to set unrealistic expectations for what we're all about to endure.
To any American Christians still supporting the Zionist crimes against humanity in Gaza, remember that when the “American Nakba” gets under way, as millions of military-aged illegals are activated to carry out mass extermination of the population and infrastructure sabotage across the United States, and as you are being hunted and targeted in your own homes by the occupying enemy combatants who were allowed to flow across the open border by the millions, the mainstream media will do to you exactly what they are doing to the Palestinians: They will pretend you deserved it, and they will report that mass extermination of the American people is an act of “equality” for the world. Your cries will go unheard and unreported. Any act of resistance on your part will be denounced as “terrorism.” Before long, your homes, churches, schools and monuments will be bulldozed into rubble, then swept away and replaced by new communities for the imported replacements who carried out the genocide against you. History will be rewritten to state that the “oppressors” were finally defeated and that “equity” and “justice” have finally prevailed, and any trace memory of you, your family, your values or your history will be erased, then forgotten. This is what awaits each of you who applauded genocide in 2023, for you likely won't have long to wait before you become the target of the very acts of violence you foolishly advocated.
It is astonishing to me how many conservative or independent media influencers who believe NOTHING that the US government says about January 6th somehow believe EVERYTHING the Israeli government says about October 7th.
(2/2) I pray for #peace, humanitarian assistance and a true accounting for those who are complicit in these atrocious crimes against humanity, and we shall not be intimidated into silence by Zionists whose entire philosophical foundation is based on racial supremacy and genocidal violence against others. May God protect the innocent and reveal the guilty for all the world to see. Please translate and share this message in the interests of peace, and know that many Americans, including many Christians, are absolutely appalled at what is taking place in #Gaza.
Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 31, 2023 - Israeli plot to force 2.3 million Palestinians out of GAZA and STEAL their land LEAKED to the media
- GOP House Speaker says US "boots on the ground" will be needed to "stand with Israel"
- Military DRAFT coming for America
- Leaked document reveals the plan to STEAL #Gaza from Palestinians
- 2.3 million Palestinian "prisoners" to be bombed, then forced out
- Video resurfaces of Netanyahu admitting to the entire plan, many years ago
- Former Israeli ambassador to Italy calls for total ethnic cleansing of Gaza
- But Biden has announced the US REJECTS Israel's forced relocation plan
- #Egypt rejects the plan to relocate them to Sinai peninsula
- #Israel finds itself with no good options: Every action is BAD for Israel
- Israel should APOLOGIZE to the world for its actions and depose Netanyahu
Any so-called "Christians" calling for a genocidal HOLY WAR against Palestinians are not real Christians at all, but FAKERS, agents of Satan who contradict the teachings of Christ. God looks upon such fake Christians with DAMNATION for their abandonment of true Christian values that are supposed to honor innocent human life. Those calling for #genocide and ethnic cleansing should never refer to themselves as "Christians" ever again, as they are taking the Lord's name in vain and will be judged accordingly.
INTEL FLASH: I'm told by an analysist it is expected that #Israel will be the first to fire a nuclear weapon. They will likely be hit by another nuclear weapon in retaliation. Iran has ordered ALL Iranians to evacuate Lebanon. Panic buying of potassium iodide now underway. Iran has hypersonic missiles. UN sanctions against selling Iran more weapons expired yesterday. #Russia is delivering new hypersonics to Iran, and Iran has capabilities to outfit with nuclear warheads. Two US aircraft carriers are "sitting ducks." They may be destroyed in a mushroom cloud. Take all necessary precautions.