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Wouldn't it be amazing if Biden received zero votes but still managed to win the election?
He looks to me like he is already dead and replaced.
The problem with all of this is that CO2 emissions are not the problem that people think they are. People say 400 parts per million!!!! What that means is that the atmosphere is 999,600 parts nitrogen, oxygen and some other gasses. This is not a crisis. Greenhouses make EXTRA CO2 to help the plants grow. Optimum CO2 levels for plants, and those that eat those plants like humans, is around 1000 ppm. This is all garbage and a scare tactic.
@macmcdonald It seems like they are trying to convince us that women are no longer necessary. This becomes sicker and sicker.
@RedWill The government is lying. The plandemic has killed millions and the deaths are not being reported. A recent poll showed that 11% of people polled had someone in their family die. This could mean that the real number is more like 30 million dead. This is one of the reasons there are help wanted signs everywhere.
People!!!! Wake up!!! They are murdering you by the millions!!!
I really believe McCarthy is owned.
@3583585 Oh boy! I have a semi-private social network.
@TwistedEagle That is unbelievable. Totally unamerican. If I was in charge that guy would be gone with no pension.
@RedWill If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.
It might be an FBI agent.
@RedWill The sad part is that the USA, Inc is the terrorist of the world, and we paid for it!
What a surprise!!!!! NOT!
@TwistedEagle I'll bet some angry father does gender surgery on him.
Another example of insane bureaucrats imposing their will on us. The amount of energy used to clean and pump the CO2 into the ground is crazy and just means MORE coal has to be burnt. This is the kind of anti-logic that makes me crazy. People who know nothing telling people who know less what to do. This is a recipe for disaster. Dumb, dumber and dumbest.
@3583585 I'm looking at Linux.
@jeffhertzog1961 Still trying to drum up WW3
@holistic Our dogs are absolutely members of our family. They teach us unconditional love on a daily basis. Our job is to try to be as loving as they are!
@Shawna_lynns Don't give up on humanity yet. It is estimated that there are about 7 million really bad people on the planet. I have read that about a million have been dealt with. The good news is that being a bad person is no longer accepted like it used to be. Just pray some more and I'll bet if you are very still inside you will hear God tell you it is going to be ok.
@Shawna_lynns So we're supposed to believe that this version of the poison will kill fewer people? I won't stop pushing until these monsters are no longer in business and all the evil ones are prosecuted and executed.
Fooling with nuclear fuel and energy is like giving a child a hand grenade. The question is not if it will go off, but when it will go off and how many will die.
@TwistedEagle Well there we go. The last nail in the coffin of the USA, Inc. They think that this will force everyone to CBDC but they are wrong, as usual.