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My last job was an Assistant Researcher on a VA health project helping vets with alcohol abuse. On January 3rd 2020 Mr. T killed 10 people in drone strike in safezone. And I ended that chain of command. I also discovered the vaccines the VA pushes are not created in the USA.
- Natural Health
- History
- Mythology
- Astrology
My last job was an Assistant Researcher on a VA health project helping vets with alcohol abuse. On January 3rd 2020 Mr. T killed 10 people in drone strike in safezone. And I ended that chain of command. I also discovered the vaccines the VA pushes are not created in the USA.
To understand the big money behind the Mega Church movement in America, answer the question why did the Nazi's put the church on their money.
The Boston Tea Party was in reaction to the Stamp Act and the Stamp Act was created to stop and regulate Free Speech. HERE WE GO AGAIN. The AI Internet Police. If you say a boy is a boy it will be against the unTruth Law.
FALSE FLAG? Gina Maria Colvin Hill posted this message today (6/21/24) on YT. A clock kept going off then sounded like a missile seeking it's target when she moved her finger closer to the clock. I saw her T shirt with Aero on it and the clock saying 7:37. How do they solve the current election problem and kick off a war? The lost fool in the White House will be lost for the last time and MAGA will be to blame with the Shoulder Launched ground to air missiles taken during Hillary-Benghazi attack.
Dear John, Amerika is now ready for WORLD WAR III and drafting Christian women is next.
As American leadership feeds destruction, more people will fall into mental illness and suicide. To make your mind strong, go into nature during a new moon in an area of a dark sky and wake up at 2am with all lights off and go outside and look up to reconnect with the truth
When the Light of Truth fads, the Shadow of AI rises feeding the masses more disasters.
Commander of the Cheat: Remember! Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Before the Economic purge, they put the power of suggestion in the arts as shown below.
When deep diving into the Bible, you find the old testament is about people falling into vice while the new testament has a virtue hero with people trying to follow. Saint John wrote about love and we would not exist without it.
The difference between Manson and Biden is body count. Joe has him beat on body count plus Gaza. Plus Manson added his swastika and Joe got his at birth.
The end game of the 2024 Narrative, burn down all historical structure to hide the light.