@HealthRanger Thank you for today's podcast (8-21). I want to say that satan's goal is to usurp God. He is trying to destroy humans because we have a savior in Jesus Christ and the fallen angles and their offspring from humans do not. That said God said in Isaiah 13:12
I will make people more rare than fine gold, and mankind than the gold of Ophir.
So it is possible that God is using the globalist to do this.
I have said to you the things you say about God and eternal life are wrong. You talk a works salvation just like the Pharisees whom Jesus said were lost.
The truth is unless you have a saving relation with Jesus Christ you will spent eternity in hell no matter how good you are or think you are. I pray for you daily that God will open your eyes to understand the true gospel for your sake and also for the people you are leading astray to damnation. Read John 6-37.