Married with Love,Industrial engineer and Factory owner operator, Fan, fiction writer, enjoying the final vacation, Jimmy Carter forced me to become conservative and I enjoy hearing what people think from all around the country
You break it, you buy it. Only reason I can think of to vote for crazy old Joe.
I wouldn't mind another 4 years of Trump but the Democrats have learned a new and very special skill. They become dead weight, a skill they learned from Jim Jones who would start a riot at a Republican event and then get the media to blame the Republican when his army for hire was arrested.
Social issues are a horrible way to lead a country yet that's all CNN wanted to debate about.
A leader maintains and shores up the foundation of the country period. If a leader secedes, social issues resolve themself at local levels or simply never happen.
The Media loves social issues because there is no single solution which would satisfy the entire nation, any leader goat'd into pursuing a solution will only fail in the eyes of most of the population and the media then declares the high ground over the leader.