Unlock Your True Masculine Power.
The 3 Key Elements Every Man Must Know & Embody. Masculinity, Self-Esteem, & Life's Purpose. This is what I teach.
We see it all the time. The super nice guy treats the woman like a princess, takes her shopping, treats her to fine restaurants, buys her all the flowers and candy she wants. Then one day, out of “nowhere,” she dumps him for the bad boy. The guy who treats her like he could care less if she stays or leaves. Women love a challenge, someone who moves and behaves like a MAN - not a DESPERATE little boy seeking validation from her.
Putting a woman on a pedestal NEVER works.
You have to switch your mindset out of treating her like she's above you and learn to see her as an equal. Then, and only then can you even begin to have natural connection with her. Without this, you're praising from afar and that's about as close as she'll let you get to her.
Learn more by reading the full article at http://orlandoowen.com/blog