What happened to John Parker, the bodyguard who abandoned his post outside of Abraham Lincoln's private box the night he was assassinated?
"Only one man, an unreliable Washington cop named John Frederick Parker, was assigned to guard the president at Ford’s Theatre on April 14, 1865."
"...Later, Parker committed an even greater folly: At intermission, he joined the footman and coachman of Lincoln’s carriage for drinks in the Star Saloon next door to Ford’s Theatre.
John Wilkes Booth entered the theater around 10 p.m.. Ironically, he’d also been in the Star Saloon, working up some liquid courage."
"...Parker knew that he had failed in duty. He looked like a convicted criminal the next day.” Parker was charged with failing to protect the president, but the complaint was dismissed a month later. No local newspaper followed up on the issue of Parker’s culpability. Nor was Parker mentioned in the official report on Lincoln’s death. Why he was let off so easily is baffling." -- https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/lincolns-missing-bodyguard-12932069/
"BAFFLING!!!" Now where have we heard that term before?
Translation: "Baffled™" = Deep State or Big Pharma influence causing the complicit to feign ignorance and cluelessness.
Different century, same criminal sh-t!
They never go to jail. When you do as you're told to facilitate a Deep State crime, you always get off.
The good Americans just sigh and bicker but ultimately do nothing to stop it.
What happened to Officer John Parker, the man who chose the wrong night to leave his post at Ford's Theatre?
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Mike Adams has known about that glitch for (2) years but….?
Like the fake assassination story, this glitch is IMPOSSIBLE to fix