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#Christian. Husband. Father. EIC - NOQ Report. Co-Founder - Freedom First Network. Co-Founder - American Conservative Movement. Pro-Life. Pro-2A. Pro-Israel. #AmericaFirst.
#Christian. Husband. Father. EIC - NOQ Report. Co-Founder - Freedom First Network. Co-Founder - American Conservative Movement. Pro-Life. Pro-2A. Pro-Israel. #AmericaFirst.
Joe Biden was selected by the powers-that-be to play the role of figurehead caretaker over America's destruction.
If you're going to the border to rally against the invasion, may God Bless you.
Stay frosty, stay lawful, get loud, and document false flag attempts. #FilmTheFeds
The most important word in American politics going forward is #Invasion.
We are being invaded by tens of thousands of military-aged men every single day. Democrats are doing everything they can to help the invaders. Republicans, even with the limited power they have, are doing nothing.
Every American must be made to recognize the invasion for what it is.
Every politician must be held accountable for the actions and inactions.
Some have been saying "shut down the border or shut down the government."
How about we shut down the government, period.
How about we no longer allow our taxpayer dollars to be spent until the border is completely secured and every illegal alien is sent back across it until their asylum hearing, which few will attend anyway.
We do not have a nation anymore. It will take very drastic measures if we're going to rebuild it.
While most Americans were distracted by Christmas, the NYPD engaged the first major escalation by Hamas and their anti-Zionist proxies.
They're preparing for war by flooding our borders. They're preparing for war by indoctrinating useful idiots. They're preparing for way by instructing their media lapdogs to shill for them.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of us are not ready at all for the war that's coming.
Everyone seems so concerned about why BlackRock, JPMorgan Chase, and other globalist financial juggernauts are backing Nikki Haley.
The real concern is why she's letting them.
Illegal aliens flooding across the border supposedly trying to protect their families from the evils of their homeland... so where are the families?
Why are there mostly military-aged men coming across, leaving their poor families to suffer?
Those are rhetorical questions.
In the next two weeks we should see some of the GOP candidate herd begin to thin. They know they're getting nowhere and they're being pressured by the UniParty Swamp to stand down so they can consolidate behind the least longshot candidate, whoever that may be.
To the crowd that's dropping "ya but Israel" posts, your hatred is betraying you.
What Hamas is doing to civilian women and children is indefensible so don't even try.
At this point it's Matt Gaetz and his small group of allies versus the UniParty Swamp that is beholden to Volodymyr Zelensky through the Military Industrial Complex.
Happy Monday.
Trump's best strategy would be to never mention another GOP candidate again.
Focus on Biden. Focus on the Deep State.
Focus on policy.
When Republican politicians start using the phrase "military age men" when discussing the border, I'll pay attention.
Until then they're just spewing the same campaign rhetoric that couldn't even get the wall funded when they had control of the House, Senate, and White House.
I'll be happy with whoever the GOP nominee is as long as it's Trump.
Russell Brand is being targeted to send a message to anyone who dares to go against the approved narrative.
@jdrucker Russell is a compromised controlled WEF puppet who loves Klaus's right hand homo Noah Harari.
Fox News was bad enough under Rupert Murdoch.
It's about to get much worse.
Volodymyr Zelensky needs more U.S. taxpayer dollars about as much as Chris Christie needs another donut.
They use the absurd as a distraction while they advance pure evil.
If you're more concerned about fictional space aliens than very real illegal aliens, you're part of the problem.
Our food supply is under attack, in case you weren't aware.
Those who say the 2020 election was stolen and ALSO say that Trump can't win in 2024 but another Republican can are very confused.
Just as a reminder, when a whistleblower said Trump's Ukraine call was bad, Nancy Pelosi moved forward with impeachment. It took days, just long enough for her to position her press puppets properly. During that time, Trump released the perfect call but Nancy moved forward with impeachment anyway and it worked.
Kevin McCarthy and the feckless GOP have mountains of evidence, including bank records, text messages, phone calls, and multiple whistleblowers. They've worked on this for months. The message for the last week is that they're leaning toward maybe doing an impeachment inquiry.
Moral of the story: Democrats act when they have nothing and Republicans do nothing when they have everything.