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live in Jerusalem, Israel
live in Jerusalem, Israel
42% of Israelis tell the US to buzz off.
Overwhelming support for encouraging emigration and against a Palestinian state – the survey
@HealthRanger Ben Shapiro and his family need to make Aliyah (immigrate to Israel). Study in Yeshiva and get the Galut (The Exile) out of his system. He needs to come home to his homeland and forget America.
How many could have been saved if Israel was reborn in 1938 instead of 1948? (posters)
Remember what Israel did on July 4th, 1976, The Entebbe Raid. 102 hostages were rescued! If Israel could do that after the 1973 Yom Kippur War what could it do in 1939?
@HealthRanger Oxford Professor: Official Data Shows Face Masks "Made No Meaningful Difference" To Infection Rates
THE VACCINE-CANCER ATROCITY: Like clockwork, most vaccinated Americans will lose immune function by Christmas and start growing accelerated CANCER tumors that will kill them over the next ten years
@HealthRanger "“Murdered by Beilinson Hospital in the coronavirus ward on the 20th of September 2021. May her blood be avenged.” the grave marker reads."
Tombstone claims woman was 'murdered by COVID ward'
@HealthRanger Seems like we have a pretty solid correlation here. "This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit": mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries
@HealthRanger In Israel we can now celebrate "Israel Apartheid Week". The Vaccine Passport is the new Apartheid just like living in South Africa from 1948 - 1990s. Without the Green Vaccine Passport you are a 3rd Class citizen. It is just like what the Blacks suffered through. You can't work, go to Malls and so on. It is time for a real active Boycott of ANYONE who supports the Green Vaccine Passport. Scream "DISCRIMINATION"! Anything that gives the Ministry of Health Grief is good.
This cartoon is from the most popular newspaper in Israel, Israel HaYom.. The anchor around the man's ankle is the Coronavirus Lock-down. The Israeli Scientist refuse to take the Coronavirus vaccine. They read the reports and say the vaccine is Garbage.