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Amazing new documentary produced by David Wilcock. The Moment of Truth - Part One:
The Moment of Truth - David Wilcock and Mike Adams - PART ONE
RED ALERT: Major storable food company CEASES operations… US power grid blackouts to occur this winter… FAKE White House sound stage confirmed… actors?

Multiple topic red alert. - Major power grid blackouts will occur this winter across the USA due to lack of coal and natural gas supplies, all tracking back to the libtard policies of "green energy"…
www.naturalnews.comToday we cover the USA power grid blackouts that are expected this winter, plus we cover the FAKED Biden White House sound stage, and hyper realistic MASKS... are actors playing Biden?
Situation Update, Oct 8, 2021 - You are watching a MOVIE: Oval Office FAKED on a sound stage. Biden played by stand-in ACTOR?
Owen Shroyer just announced LIVE on air - he will be ARRESTED on Monday! Must turn himself in! Related to 1/6, we don't yet know the charges or any more details. He has declared he is INNOCENT. Spread the word:
Story just posted: DELTA variant hysteria exposes the sobering truth: Covid vaccines don’t work, and “variants” are pushed as scare stories to demand more vaccines, mask mandates and destructive lockdowns

We have now reached a stunning tipping point in the global push for mass vaccinations that inject people with spike protein bioweapons. New research finds that "fully vaccinated" individuals are suffering…
www.naturalnews.comThe X-Files nails it:
I just interviewed Dr. Judy Mikovitz. She has a new book coming out "Ending Plague." You can preorder it on Amazon. This interview should run tomorrow, and it's full of bombshell statements and information about the spike protein and the deliberate mass extermination of humanity.
Order Judy's book on Amazon to help prevent it from being censored. It's already the #1 New Release in Virology:
Ending Plague: A Scholar's Obligation in an Age of Corruption (Children’s Health Defense) [Ruscetti, Dr. Francis W., Mikovits, Judy, Heckenlively, Kent] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.… posted: Situation Update, May 31st, 2021 - The FIVE PHASES of vaccine coercion... we are currently in phase 3, and the "kinetic" phase is coming
Right now, we are standing on the edge of losing human civilization. Forget the 2024 elections. America won't exist as we know it by 2024.
BREAKING - more details - The Center for Public Integrity pays a “journalist” to harass and terrorize family members of vaccine skeptics, all while claiming to protect the “public trust”.
Their funding sources come from DuPont, Ford Foundation, Rockefellers, Carnegie and even Leonardo Di Caprio! It's all an anti-human depopulation agenda, disguised as journalism.

As Natural News exclusively reported yesterday, a non-profit front group for global genocide against humanity -- The Center for Public Integrity -- has hired a "journalist" to terrorize family members…
www.naturalnews.comNashville woman PARALYZED from the covid-19 vaccine... can't move from the neck down...
Hugely successful Tulsa event! TONS of videos coming your way shortly on Brighteon, including all the videos from the speakers of the event, and then all my private interviews with top people from the event, including Mike Lindell, Lin Wood, Jeffrey Prather, Andrew Wakefield, Melissa Tate, Charlene Bollinger and tons more. Stay tuned... and new podcasts also coming Monday morning. LOTS of good news to share!
Situation Update, April 7th, 2021 - ALERT: The CDC will release biowarfare PATHOGENS in Texas and Florida
The CDC is a CRIMINAL gangster-type operation, and they will stop at nothing to spread more fear and bio-terror so they can gain funding and power. The CDC has become a group of bioterrorists, and they will target Texas and Florida to punish those states for rejecting vaccine passports.
The ULTIMATE STUPID. "Nose masks!" Here's the video on Brighteon:
Very important video - how the covid vaccines could WIPE OUT the human race:
Folks, almost everything you see from the "mainstream" media is pure fiction. Today NASA announced it now has a helicopter on Mars, and the helicopter is working fine.
This is the same NASA that has told us for decades that Mars has virtually no atmosphere whatsoever... about 0.6% of the atmospheric pressure of Earth. It doesn't take a genius to realize that helicopters can't fly in a vacuum.
The news from Mars is pure science fiction.

The Ingenuity helicopter has reported in from the Red Planet. power is restored in texas now. But our food manufacturing operation still has no water. Ppl are starting to get electric bills thatcare insane. Normally $300 bill is now $8000. Homeless ppl died everywhere because shelters were closed due to covid lockdown crap. A total cluster of insanity.
Texas situation now way worse than any lockdown or hurricane or natural disaster. Feels like living in a post bombed kosovo or war zone, except without the artillery. Infrastructure has crumbled. Roads, water, emergency services, power grid, food supply chain, gas stations etc have all cratered. They will find lots of dead ppl after the thaw.
America's top corporations WANT YOU DEAD! They despise their own customers, and they are now weaponizing customer records, workplaces and online platforms to marginalize, oppress and ultimately EXTERMINATE all White people, Trump supporters, Christians and conservatives. Corporate America is now at WAR with the American people!

With the criminal tech giants now maliciously de-platforming James O'Keefe (Project Veritas), Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (Children's Health Defense), Wayne Allen Root and anyone else who questions the false…
www.naturalnews.comMake Restuarants Great Again!