Together, with your help, we can keep the Brighteon family of sites operating, innovating and fighting against online censorship. Any amount you can spare makes a difference.

I'm a Christian wife and mother who knows Jesus is the only way to life.
I'm a Christian wife and mother who knows Jesus is the only way to life.
My newest earring design!

I have a new earring design and here it is! Come visit me at my new Etsy shop: My website: Facebook: https://w
rumble.comI am now on Etsy! Yay!

You searched for: KerrysCoffeeDesigns! Discover the unique items that KerrysCoffeeDesigns creates. At Etsy, we pride ourselves on our global community of sellers. Each Etsy seller helps contribute to a…
kerryscoffeedesigns.etsy.comWe are not perfect 100% of the time with what comes out of our mouths and our hearts. Be encouraged to pray for God to help you hold your tongue at times and to help you release words of goodness, hope, kindness and encouragment. Ask Him what would please Him and He will let you know!
Visit my website if you would like this design in handmade bookmarks, magnets, earrings and more. Joyfully sharing God's Word.
Sometimes we just can't think of something cool and unique to give as gifts. Here is an idea! Sharing God's Word brings joy wherever you are! #kerryscoffeedesigns #kcdearrings #valentines #Valentinesgift #godlyrelationships #jesusandcoffee
I'm so grateful for Jennifer and that she has and is doing!
Ok! I've updated my website to make it a little more easier to shop. If you have a second, please go here and click around...(act like you are going to order something and put it in your cart). Let me know if it is running smoothly or not on your end and if you are using your phone or laptop, etc. Thank you in advance!

I draw on a big chalkboard once a week of Bible verses/coffee mugs and make handmade items from the digital images of that board.
kerrys-coffee-designs.square.siteMy new product is complete! Watch till the end...wait for it...
Joyfully sharing God's Word
#kcdearrings #God #Jesus #Coffee #coffeemug #jesusandcoffee #scripturememory #bibleverse #coffeeart #bibleversememory #coffeeholic

My newest project is complete! I want to encourage the ladies to memorize scriptures by wearing these cute whimsical earrings. The image on the earrings are from the weekly original 36" x 24" Bible ve
rumble.comI'm glad I can say I played a part in this by making phone calls and submitting reviews. This Mercy Hospital and every single one of these types of hospitals all over the country need to be held accountable for how they are mistreating, abusing, & killing patients Please keep Mr. Quiner in your prayers as he is still trying to recover. Thank God for Stew, his team, the lawyers, the dr in Texas who agreed to treat, & for the 2 paramedics that saved his life on the flight.

Last week, the doctors at Mercy called Anne and tried to browbeat her into letting Scott be taken off a ventilator to die. hey were going to unplug Scott Quiner from life at high noon on Thursday, and
rumble.comWe see David worshipping God in Psalm 12:5 as he speaks to God about the world around him. He tells us how God reacts to those worldly woes or more precisely, how He handles His children's heartfelt pleas to Him. Isn't it SO reassuring? Keep reading! It goes on to say, "The LORD’s promises are pure,
like silver refined in a furnace,
purified seven times over."
I don't know about you, but that kind of mindset is what sets me free to have expectant hope and joy!
That's me talking 1/10/22
I would like to encourage you all to attend this Constitutional Sherrif & Peace Officer Association fundraiser party hosted by Summer Bragg if you are in the area! Kerry's Coffee Designs has gift basket of goodies for the silent auction is a wonderful organization that every sherrif & peace officer should be a member of. Learn more at
May you reach for and attain God's wonderful overflowing bounty this new year 2022!
Today's board design #117 features a crown as the W on the mug. Choose this design or any other board found in the "Gallery" tab at to order bookmarks, magnets, prints, t-shirts, coffee mugs, or ornaments.
Joyfully sharing God's Word.
#jesusandcoffee #jesus #jesusislord #jesusisking #coffee #coffeelover #bibleverse #bible
Click this link to see both options.
Entire board coffee mugs are now available. Simply choose your board from the gallery tab here:, let me know, and I'll make your order. $12 for 11oz mug and $15 for 15oz mug. Joyfully sharing God's Word.
#jesusandcoffee #jesus #jesusislord #jesusisking #coffee #coffeelover #bibleverse #bible
Here is yesterday's board design #116! Have you taken God's free gift? Choose this design or any other board found in "Gallery" at for t-shirts, coffee mugs, ornaments, bookmarks, or magnets. Joyfully sharing God's Word.
#jesusandcoffee #jesus #jesusislord #jesusisking #coffee #coffeelover #bibleverse #bible
Alrighty, I had a dream the other day and I want to share it.

I am telling you about a dream I had and then I go on attempting to interpret it. I hope it brings encouragement to you as it did me. I can't wait to have more dreams and I'm praying if they should be