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We are free cause Jesus made us free. He's coming soon so make sure he knows your name.
We are free cause Jesus made us free. He's coming soon so make sure he knows your name.
Those who think Bennett was a great pick will think differently when they find out that she is for forced vaccinations and lockdowns. Trump says...oops
Pharmacist whistleblower on CV tests and more...everybody needs to subscribe to the new youtube channel Liberty Talk Canada and then sign up to their new website. They explain why
A new liberty channel taking on the NWO etc.
Everybody needs to be a part of this revolution and help these guys gain traction in taking back your freedom before its too late and we can't do it alone, we need to get back to God for the protection we once had.
I am doing a news dump this morning as there is little time left to wake up the masses...spread far and often I say.

Belgia: Doctors and Health Professionals Demand a Halt to Pandemic Propaganda
Humans Are FreeYou know the saying "be careful what you wish for"....well these goons would be sorry for pushing the NWO on themselves also. Ignorance truly is bliss
This scandemic was planned 10 yrs ago by the Rockefeller Foundation aka Illuminati...the plan starts on pg 18

Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lockstep Document: 'Under the Guise of a Pandemic, We Will Create a Prison State'
Humans Are FreeArrests for CV conspiracy theorists. in Melbourne

Melbourne to Start Arresting COVID-19 'Conspiracy Theorists' and Throwing Them in Concentration Camps
Humans Are FreeUrgent video...must watch, especially Canadians but for everybody to use to wakeup their own on the Ontario lawsuit against the lockdowns and vaccines plus other eye opening madness that has been perpetrated on all citizens of the free world.
Canadians please join this new website...freedom fighter extraordinaire

Our Mission is to create an influential community of freedom loving Canadians who are ready to take a stand against global corporate and political corruption that is threatening our liberties as citizens…
www.libertynetwork.caHere is a link to the lawsuit in Ontario, Canada against the government for their oppression against us due to this invisible terrorist that is planning on destroying us. Find lawyers everywhere and do the same and pray at the same time. Without Jesus we can do nothing
doesn't matter cause there will be no election. many watchmen have prophesied this and you are right about going quiet. The Lord wants all to depend on him alone right now cause he's is allowing his judgements to come and if we want protection, Psalm 91, then we must be in the spirit at all times. Its hard but necessary. I tried to warn but am alone now cause I have been desserted. Only care what Jesus thinks, not man. Blessings
Its spreading fast...Scotland announced that starting Friday, no more visiting others houses. I'm in Canada and our Thanksgiving is coming in October. They are limiting crowd sizes so its a possibility. There is a lawsuit filed against our government for this oppression but will it make it to court before the end of the year...
From an anonymous source: (1/2)
I was never an evil monster until you decided that I was...
I never cared if you were 'gay' until you started shoving it in my face, and the faces of my children.
I never cared what color you were, until you started blaming my race for your problems.
I never cared about your political affiliation until you started to condemn me for mine.
I never cared where you were born until you wanted to erase my history and blame my ancestors for your current problems...