This is worth reading. We must understand the plans of the enemy.
We continue covering the 45 Goals set by Marxists for taking over America with goal #8. These include a brief explanation of each one—how it has been applied in the past and today. MARXIST GOAL #8: Set…
publications.morningstarministries.orgMarxist states promote whatever furthers the globalist state goal. They also have a history of agreeing to many things they had no intention of doing. They know the proven history of Western leaders to overlook this as long as they promise to come back to the negotiating table. This is because it looks good to voters that they are able to negotiate with Communists, even if they are not able to really accomplish anything.
Anyone negotiating with a Marxist about anything should know that it is Marxist doctrine to negotiate faithlessly with others, and they always plan to break their agreements when it is expedient to do so. It would be incompetence at best for any negotiator not to know this.