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Organic Natural Skincarefamily-owned
truly natural
clean beauty
Roman Catholic
#cleancosmetics #naturalskincare #madeinusa
Dear Valued Customers,
I hope this message finds you well. I am thrilled to share some exciting news about a significant change within our company. As the founder of Malina, I want to personally announce that we are changing our business name to Malina Organix and our website address to malinaorganix.com.
This decision marks an important milestone in our journey. Originally, our business was headquartered in New York, which was reflected in our former name, Malina New York. However, as many of you know, we relocated from New York a couple of years ago to better align with our vision and values. Since our roots and reach have expanded beyond a single location, we believe that the new name, Malina Organix, more accurately reflects our dedication to providing high-quality, natural, organic beauty products.
Please rest assured that the ownership and management of our company remain unchanged. We continue to be a family-owned business, devoted to offering the same exceptional products and customer service that you have come to know and trust. Our range of organic natural cosmetics remains the same, providing you with the finest in beauty and skincare.
Our email communications will now come from our new email address: info@malinaorganix.com. We kindly ask you to update your records to ensure smooth and uninterrupted communication.