Brighteon Broadcast News, May 9, 2023 - Robert Kennedy's vision for HEALING a fractured America
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. discuss border security, election integrity, voter ID and more
- Covers the investigation and PROSECUTION of covid officials who committed fraud
- RFK achieves stunning CROSSOVER support from Republicans and conservatives
- Adams invites Trump team for an interview
- Mass homelessness in California getting WORSE as Biden's economy crumbles
- Spike protein damages the BRAIN, explaining why vax booster proponents are so dumbed down
- California black groups demand $200 million in reparations payments to EACH black person
- Colorado bureaucrat wants to confiscate money from WHITE-owned businesses to subsidize BLACK businesses
- Interview with Paul Wittenberger, filmmaker and producer of "Fluoride - Poison on Tap" documentary
@HealthRanger In all due respect, saying everyone has african ancestry, is like saying someone has Asian ancestry, and should be entitled to the same reparations that Japanese received (from America) for the interment camps. Claiming an entire region of the world (Asia) when there are different subgroups.
Africa is one of the most diverse continents. All black people aren't the same (contrary to belief)
Black American Slaves were pulled from a specific location of West Africa. Dutch Trader Maps (1600s / 1700s), made by whites, show West African trade ports (Ivory Coast, Gold Coast, Grain Coast, Slave Coast)
Slave Cost - slaves sold from (present day Nigeria) which was called "Kingdom of Judah" (today= Ouidah, Nigeria) as there was a tribe of people settled there, practicing Judaism, native African tribes wanted them gone. So sold them 2 arab traders, who sold them to Americans/whites