@RedWill Add this from his far left voters .....
Democrats in Richmond, Virginia are fighting racism and division by unearthing skeletons of deceased Confederate generals and removing monuments featuring Civil War veterans.
This week, Richmond leftists were permitted to desecrate the grave of General Ambrose Powell Hill, known historically as A.P. Hill, and remove his skeleton from its resting place because apparently, he was a symbol of hate.
The effort was originally spearheaded by the Mayor of Richmond, then-Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, and Black Lives Matter member Levar Stoney in the early summer of 2021, prompting a legal fiasco in which groups sought to keep the general in place.
As noted by Law Enforcement Today, General Hill “was opposed to slavery and resigned his commission in the United States Army when Virginia seceded from the Union in 1861.”
“Hill was one of the most capable officers in the Confederate army and was fiercely loyal to the Confederacy. Hill ended up being killed in combat during the waning days of the Civil War during the Siege of Petersburg,”
HERO BEING DEFACED. Biden cognitive impaired spreading.