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Former LEO for 15 years. Love Yahweh, Yahwah, Yahwasua, & this country. Doing my best to live my life according to Yahwah's laws according to Deuteronomy & Leviticus.
Former LEO for 15 years. Love Yahweh, Yahwah, Yahwasua, & this country. Doing my best to live my life according to Yahwah's laws according to Deuteronomy & Leviticus.
The nine most dangerous words in the English language (or any other, for that matter): I'm from the government & I'm here to help.
I know my recent post about the kitty isn't exactly what we talk about here, so my apologies to all. I don't know what to do, so I thought perhaps there might be somebody out there who might know something that would be of help to me. My thanks to all for your patience & understanding. My heart is just broken, & I should never have given her back. Her buddy kitty is also heartbroken & just mopes around, missing her.
Hello all....I haven't been on here for a while. I'm trying to locate a kitty that I surrendered back to the shelter in Wyoming. I realized a day later what a huge mistake I made, so I'm trying to find a way to get her back if possible. I was told that she was sent to an animal shelter in Colorado, & was adopted. Unable to confirm the adoption. If she was, I don't need to know any more, but if she's sitting in a shelter there somewhere, I want to bring her home.
@mhoran1158 Nah....that's just their every day expression. Miserable excuse for human beings. That's if there's any of humanity left in them. Probably mostly satanically controlled.
@DiamondTNT But our veterans live in the streets, & the military in DC sleep in a parking garage......go figure.
@HealthRanger Mike, I can't thank you enough for bringing to us. I was a pack a day smoker for 36 years. Tried umpteen times to quit, patch, gum, e-cig. I quit on 2/21/2021 & have yet to even have another drag after 36 days. Smoothest, easiest transition ever! My fellow patriots out there - if you want to quit smoking this is the way to do it. Friends & co-worker ordering their own kravekicker, based on my experience. This stuff really works! Yahweh bless you, Mike!
I could care less about the "Royals" & their catfights & foibles. They put their pants on one leg at a time, just as I do. I could be more graphic but I'll be polite....for now. Funny how brain dead bought off msm always starts trumpeting about the "Royals" when they're trying to draw attention away from the evil wrongdoing of the globalist left. Dave Hodges says it well:
@HealthRanger You want unity, China Joe? After you & your party's 5 years of non-stop abuse, please read this letter. So glad you asked..................

From Facebook via Populist Press Dear Vice President Biden, Although I refused to listen to it, I understand that during your presidential acceptance speech, you were calling for the unity of Trump supporters.…
The Hagmann Report@HealthRanger We're all unhappy & frustrated over the stolen election. Asking why why why? The answer has always been that we've kicked Yahweh to the curb in this country (and around the world). Go to & click on his alerts link at the top right hand of his page, dated 1/21/2021. There is a post there from "Greg" regarding God-given info. You can read the answer there as to why we're where we are. Then get on your knees & repent & pray for guidance & direction.
For 72 years I've lived free, I've walked tall & breathed free air. I know not what remains for me in this world. But this I know. I will not live on my knees, licking the boots of a corrupt, tyrannical government, or the satanic elitist few behind the scenes. You will not control me with your masks, vaccines & lockdowns.
I will die on my feet & take some of you with me. The enemy is inside the gate. Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War, said it best: “On death ground… fight.”
Whew! I was just speculating about this a day or two ago, & whadda ya know!!!!! BTW...there's no such thing as a coincidence.

The dramatic events of the last week will be studied for decades, and much information remains unknown. In the early morning of Friday, October 2, President Trump tweeted that he and the first lady had…
www.americanthinker.comHow many people here agree that even if Trump wins, we still need a WHOLE NEW SYSTEM that gets rid of the bloated bureaucracy, the Fed, the IRS and the CIA-run fake news media?
The most important thing to do about this election, and about the state of America and the world today is pray. Yes, we need to vote, to make a statement, but if you live in a crazy blue state, as I do, it makes you realize that only God can fix America and mankind.
Go Trump Flag of United States
We don't need a confirmation hearing for Amy Cony Barrett. She just had a hearing two years ago.
Take her nomination straight to the floor and vote.
Thank you Health Ranger, for all your hard work! Thanks for never backing down from these demonic wackjobs! Reminder, everybody, Mike will be speaking at Quayle's Final Warning Brace for Impact conference on 10/16/2020 & 10/17/2020. Mike is always a must listen. He's a been a featured speaker on Quayle's True Legends conference the last couple of years. Can't recommend him enough.
Heads up, guys. President Trump is in grave, grave danger. The following article & interview of Steve Quayle by Dave Hodges of is very disturbing, both for President Trump & for us. Pray for him as if his life depends on it, because it does, & pray for us & this country, because our lives & the life of this country depend on it. Again, I also recommend everybody signing up for Quayle's Final Warning - Brace for Impact later this month.
Deep Cover Sources Reveal Intelligence Information That Indicate Four Assassination Teams Have Been Dispatched to Take the Life of the President
thecommonsenseshow.comI was enjoying my Dunkin Donuts bagel while people were boarding my flight home to FL
The bitter “Mask Karen” sitting next to me couldn’t wait for me to finish my last bite before sneeringly asking me to mask up
Ok Karen, you asked for it :) #Canada
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HOT DOG!!!! I just hope Judicial Watch has someone good to replace him!!!
President Trump to Appoint Tom Fitton to Court Oversight Which Has Power to Remove Certain Judges For Misconduct

Tom Fitton President Trump plans to name Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton to a court oversight agency which has the power to remove certain judges for misconduct. The White House on Friday announced…
The Gateway Pundit