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The Plot Thickens: Uncovering the CIA & Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in the 2025 Depopulation Forecast released by Deagel – The Expose
In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery. One such intrigue revolves around, an obscure onlin…
The Expose@LibertyLiz Agreed, Liz... the plot is thickening faster than a bowl of cornstarch. I suggest an expose' of Bill & Melinda's and the great pretender doctor Fauci's roles, also, in the 2025 Depopulation Forecast. Just sayin'

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers were caught committing more war crimes this week at Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, West Bank. Dozens of Israeli soldiers disguised as doctors, patients and other Palestinian… What's really sickening is man's inhumanity.

A published biomedical research scientist, who spent nearly a decade working in the field of virology, claims that virology has always been a “fraudulent pseudoscience.” In a newly published exposé, biomedical…
Exactly. Pathogenic viruses don’t exist. People on this site still believes
@NaturalNews Medical Establishment's best kept secret is that Liposomal Vitamin C, orally, and intraveous ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) in mega doses such as 750mg per kilogram of body weight will cure most viruses and prevent them from coming in the first place ~Curing The Incurable page 91.
@NaturalNews Re : COVID LIES prove that modern VIROLOGY is PSEUDOSCIENCE - this is incomplete. You need to tie back to Judy Mikovitz and Paul Cottrell. Referring to a decent biophysicist would also be helpful. And I'd be cautious re controlled confusion, absolutely.
Americans headed for #southernborder for #peacefulprotests against #Biden's #openborder policy

As Texas continues to come under fire from the Biden administration for protecting itself against an ongoing illegal immigrant invasion, a convoy of Americans opposed to Biden’s open borders policy and… The sheriffs of the counties involved are requesting the public to not join this convoy, to alleviate the problems with two lane roads in these small communities. In fact, if someone should choose to check, this convoy was probably promoted by someone favorable to the Biden Administration.

Things are heating up in the Lone Star State after senior figures within U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) defy the Biden regime concerning the removal of the razor wire barriers that were set up… Better late then never, but it does seem a little too late.
If Russia, China, and North Korea were to make a coordinated attack, and there were even a million militants already here....
Biden has 'legally' paroled well over a million into the country, Abbott has shipped them all across the country, not counting those that crossed illegally.
Widespread national soul searching repentance with a deep hunger and thirst for Truth and righteousness is the only hope. Only God can save this country from what is coming.
I agree with Forest Walker. Our only hope is widespread national repentance and a deep thirst for righteousness. That is the necessary attitude that will save this country, because that is what will get the attention of The Master.

The criminal escapades of Fulton County, Ga., District Attorney Fani Willis continue to come to light after a Georgia lawmaker filed a resolution to impeach her for various acts of “malfeasance, tyrannical… I pray that's true.