Spirit Warrior [Glenn Bogue], Attorney General of The Alliance of Indigenous Nations, did an interview on the meaning and future of The Nine Nations of North America - Indigenous Native perspective
Spirit Warrior: In the Future, Will North America (Turtle Island/USA/Canada) Break Up Into Regions? WATCH INTERVIEW NOW ON OmniversityTV: https://youtu.be/jIqhvgtNkmQ
Four Principals in AIN - The Alliance of Indigenous Nations and of the People of the Salmon did an interview on the meaning and future of The Nine Nations of North America from an Indigenous Native perspective.
WATCH PANEL NOW: OmniversityTV: https://youtu.be/zgQbfHseV2o
AIN - Alliance of Indigenous Nations https://allianceofindigenousnations.org/
Peoples of the Salmon https://peoplesofthesalmon.org/
The transcript of Spirit Warrior’s interview is contained in the book
“In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions?” A Public Inquiry
DOWNLOAD CIA TIME TRAVEL LEAKED BOOK NOW https://www.amazon.com/Future-United-States-America-Regions-ebook/dp/B0C87CRKTL

Spirit Warrior: In the Future, Will North America (Turtle Island/USA/Canada) Break Up Into Regions? WATCH INTERVIEW NOW ON OmniversityTV: https://youtu.be/jIqhvgtNkmQ