I would like to start a movement to recommend Dr. Ardis for the Nobel Peace Prize.
He may not be interested, but he has SINGLE HANDEDLY provided us with the ammunition to save billions of people on this planet. He figured out what the bioweapon was YEARS before the Medical community finally agreed that he was right. Now he has discovered how to help heal us all and also heal some of the worst health problems that exist today.
Sounds like he might qualify, don't you think?
At the very least, EVERYONE should watch both the Mike Adams interview with him AND the Charlie Ward interview with him as they have basically the same information but each has extra bits that are helpful.
God Bless Dr. Ardis and I pray that he will continue to fight the evil ones who have tried to destroy us all.
@questionmark When COVID hit all I knew was to pray. I heard God's voice clearly that I should not take the vaccine and if I did I will not hear His voice anymore. The pressure to take it was great so I begged the Lord to give me some more insight . He gave me the word BRIGHTEON. I am still in awe of the things I learn and how God uses Mike Adams to do His Will. I would recommend him for the Nobel Peace Price for starting a platform where spells are broken and people are set free.