A technology company in the heart of central Mississippi dedicated to freedom and privacy of individuals and small businesses.
The Bible tells us that we should correct those who carry out small transgressions with gentleness and compassion, but for those who carry out great transgressions and crimes, they should be strongly and publicly called out and condemned PUBLICLY. Anyone hiding behind the cover of the "church" while pushing #genocide, extermination, mass murder and ethnic cleansing should be loudly, repeatedly and strenuously condemned by all. Doubly so if they claim to be church leaders, for THEY SHOULD KNOW BETTER!
@HealthRanger Like so much what you do. You have our support and prayers. This is one key tenet that is immutable for me and our family. Jesus is the Way, Truth, and the Light. Meaning that to get to Father, we must come thru the Son. There is no other way. That is so hard for the masses to accept. It was hard to me to come to terms with it in my youthful desire to get along with everyone. But as I get older and wiser, that is most profound understanding I will ever know, Jesus is Lord and is the door to heaven. I want heaven. Everything we do, we pleasure in, accomplish, and accumulate goes to dust. Does not last. However, the soul is forever, so, storing treasures in heaven is the best investment ever to be made. While on this terra firma, we are productive humans, share God's message, reject evil, and show love to others. God bless.