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New California movement founder Paul Preston joins Mike Adams to discuss the golden future of a free California
- The New California State movement is nearing victory
- The "restorative" new government will replace the collapsing Newsom regime
- Around 80% of the geography of existing Calif. will join New California
- California, under a Democrat monopoly, is a criminal cartel that violates its compact with citizens
- California govt. fails to protect from invasion or prevent public violence
- The New California State will be a mecca for liberty, innovation and honest money
- Many who have fled California will return to New California
- New California has already legally declared its independence from tyrannical rule
- Paul Preston provides more details in this fascinating interview
The Bank of England is about to break. Watch what happens Friday, to see if the Bank of England actually halts the government buying of gilts, or if they capitulate and double down on quant easing yet again. The addiction never stops... not until the system breaks (and that's not far off now).
We have just rolled out a slew of new features on today. A couple of glitches are in play, but most of the features are working well. Some of the notable ones include:
- When you upload a video, you can also upload an MP3 file so that people can choose to listen to the audio only, instead of watching the video stream.
- Content creators can "stick" a featured video and playlist to the top of their channel page
- Search feature has been greatly improved with new filters, search for channel names, etc.
- Time-stamped URLs: You can now share video URLs with embedded time stamps so that people can play videos at a specific time point.
Thank you for your patience and support! We are working hard to build a free speech platform that protects your right to speak without censorship!
Trying to stock up as much as we can on animal feed, but this is scary.
We are fine on growing our own produce, haven't been able to get our grazing situation established. Yikes!
Full article just posted: Do not fear the collapse, for it is NECESSARY to dismantle the evil cabal and give humanity a path to FREEDOM

An engineered global collapse is under way right now. If you're reading this, you already know the score: The coming financial collapse, engineered mass famine, vaccine bioweapons, the possibility of nuclear…
www.naturalnews.comThe MEDICAL war on children: Child predators using gender clinics to amputate children’s breasts at alarming rate across America

Child predators and transgender activists are infiltrating the internet, the education system and the medical system, brainwashing kids with perverse, self-destructive material that is designed to strip…
www.naturalnews.comNew emergency interview (50 min) - John Perez joins Mike Adams for emergency interview on Russia, nuclear war and why SILVER is about to skyrocket
I have recorded an emergency weekend edition Situation Update covering Zelensky calling for a nuclear first strike against Russia, and why Western psychopathic leaders are trying to CAUSE a global nuclear war to cover their tracks of decades of currency LOOTING and financial crimes against their own people.
This should be posted mid-day Saturday and also features an emergency interview with John Perez, covering SILVER, nuclear war, predictions on Russia, Ukraine and much more.
ONE INTEL SOURCE is telling me that NATO is preparing nuclear weapons to attack Russia, while another intel source is simultaneously telling me that NATO is preparing a nuclear strike on UKRAINE (false flag) to blame on Russia, then whip up media hysteria, followed by an attempted first strike.
Russia appears to be 100% aware of all this and is standing by for an immediate launch of everything they've got, including multiple Posiedon underwater nuclear drones. We are seriously on the brink of global nuclear war, and this is what happens when corrupt, dishonest Dems RIG elections and put lunatics in charge. Their own cities will be among the very first targets, ironically.
Prepare accordingly...
Attorney Thomas Renz has just filed a BILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT against Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance), claiming they are responsible for the injury and death of plaintiffs, "due to their creation and subsequent release of SARS-CoV-2 from the Wuhan Laboratories in China."
I will be covering this is detail in tomorrow's podcast, and will also be interviewing Thomas Renz by phone this weekend, with that interview to be released Sunday or Monday:
In World War II, it was easy to support our government because they were fighting the Nazis.
Now in World War III, our government officials ARE the Nazis.
Huge interview: Dan from iAllegedly talks with Mike Adams about bank freezes, asset protection and financial survival
- Dan and Mike discuss real-world asset protection strategies
- Preparing for the coming BANK FREEZES and bail-ins
- Why a huge stock market correction is inevitable
- Why banks are trying to prevent people from withdrawing funds
- The housing bubble will pop
- Why getting out of debt is the No. 1 most important thing
- Huge buying opportunities will emerge after the markets crater
- The importance of shifting into real, physical assets like gold, silver
- Elements of society are BREAKING, such as county records computer systems
- The importance of having a BUGOUT PLAN for you and your family
Situation Update, Oct 4, 2022 - Russia deploys doomsday nuclear ocean drones as global economic MELTDOWN looms
- Russia deploys ultra fast mega-submarine with Posiedon super weapons
- They can detonate offshore, triggering radioactive tsunamis
- Panicked UN begs Federal Reserve to stop raising interest rates
- Warns global economic meltdown will ensue unless price controls enacted
- German citizens panic buy electric space heaters all of a sudden
- Human psychology and why people PANIC in GROUPS (emotional contagion)
- New York to ban combustion engine vehicles, leading to transport collapse
- North Korea launches Mach 17 ballistic missile aimed at Hawaii
- Gas prices hit record high in California
- Featured interview with Dan from iAllegedly on finance and asset protection
I saw in the news today that Germans are "panic buying" electric space heaters right now, in huge numbers.
It begs the question: How could there be German citizens who did NOT realize winter was coming and that Germany has an energy crisis? Which oblivious Germans are just now realizing this in early October? Seriously... half the world already knows this, but somehow NOT GERMANY?
Even funnier is the question of how any Germans will afford to run these electric space heaters, since electricity will be 1000% higher cost than normal. Even better, how will the electric companies acquire the natural gas to make the electricity to power the space heaters?
Maybe GRETA will provide a green miracle!!! LOL...
FULL INTERVIEW that we posted separately from the podcast (due to length);
Financial cycles analyst Aaron Brickman lays out KEY TIMING WINDOW for potentially catastrophic market crash
- Brickman is an expert in market CRASHES
- Moon phases directly impact human psychology and emotion
- Previous large market crashes have occurred at a repeated LUNAR cycle
- Solar eclipses are also involved in human emotional states
- The convergence of certain cosmic events has aligned with historical crashes
- The current configuration looks a lot like 1929
- Specific dates are given, with windows of opportunity for market collapse
- Discussion of European banks and systemic bank failures
- The "great reset" and why elites WANT a massive financial collapse
- Russia and nuclear weapons: the escalation will continue
Situation Update, Oct 3, 2022 - Putin tells the truth about evil, SATANIC western leaders who PILLAGE the world
- Warning signs flashing over bank collapse in Europe
- Martin Armstrong warns all the pensions are insolvent
- Blinkin celebrates "huge opportunity" after Nord Stream sabotage
- Germany warns gas may run out this winter
- Why the war in Ukraine escalates to NUCLEAR conflict
- Putin is RIGHT about the West being run by antichrist demons
- The American empire PILLAGES the world and LIES to its own people
- The U.S. has used nuclear weapons against CIVILIAN targets
- Inflation hits 17% in The Netherlands
- Citrus crops devastated by Hurricane Ian
- Goldman Sachs warns about "deindustrialization" of Europe
- HIMARS artillery systems for Ukraine won't be built for YEARS
- Property insurers go bankrupt in Florida
The radical Left’s world of make-believe biology: Babies don’t have heartbeats but men can give birth
- To believe what Democrats believe, you have to be truly retarded

The corporate-controlled media is once again going to bat for Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who continues to lie about the humanity of unborn babies. In a recent statement,…
www.naturalnews.comNew podcast (20 min) CHOOSE NOW: You will soon be a PREPPER or a CORPSE
- Those who don't prepare will be psychologically traumatized by 2023 - 2025