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Exposing corruption, encouraging good.
August 10
We had another milder-than-usual night of spraying with an unusually steady intensity of 7.75- throughout the night. This is unusual because we had no discrete plumes, just steady medium-low intensity poison all night without changes. The air contained the typical toxic types: Model Cement, Chalky-Bitter-Pharma, Copper, Inflammatory, and Mercury.
11:48 am
We have been hit with 2 discrete plumes this morning:
1. Just before 6 am we were hit with a non-typical plume containing the Barium and Metallic-Chemical types. Intensity rose at a medium-fast rate and peaked at intensity 8.75 at about 6:25 am. This also contained the Inflammatory and Mercury components. We have not experienced the Metallic-Chemical plume type in quite a while. The Barium type is being used because we have incoming precipitation.
2. At about 7 am
The Entire Log - https://gsw.bz/log2308