Suspended on Vimeo on April 2020 for posting Natural Covid cures. Then constantly censored on fb and twitter. Good to be among the savvy. Also, am an artist and stopped all work for disseminating articles about the NWO and Covid Madness.
@eddy58 @Toni @seriously I was first introduced to the ministry I'm currently in I became a part of 15 years ago. I quickly learned some frightening things that if the Democrats ever seize power and they know their time is right they will rip their masks off and we'll see just how much they hate us. And that if Gore (2000), Kerry (2004) would have been elected most people don't have a clue how bad it would have been. It's was a miracle they did not get in. It took two things enough people had to vote Republican and YAH GOD did the rest. We had to do our part. I don't understand why people can't see this. Of course in a certain context we have a UNIPARTY Problem. But things have to be studied and analyzed comprehensively. Too many people get tunnel vision. Yes there's colossal fraud but we have somehow been able to sustain ourselves without a total collapse. We do our best until that comes. We are supposed to be highly competent people here with tons of life experience behind our belts. So we're responsible to put the puzzle pieces together.
Prophecy Dream "Dead Birds, Chemical Warfare" exposed Gore (20 September, 1998).
Prophecy 75 exposed Kerry (August 27, 2004)
both were extremely serious, America escaped terrible peril. Time is truly running out though, the writing is clearly on the WALL. In psychological warfare we should all get tougher and more hardened as the battle escalates.