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DIOXIN DETOX ALERT: My team is researching the best natural methods for detoxing DIOXINS from your body. We are finding some good leads. I wanted to share one important initial finding right now, even before we compile the full list and publish it:
It looks like Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C) removes dioxins from the body. I3C is the anti-cancer nutrient found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, etc.
The point is YOU CAN GROW BROCCOLI SPROUTS AT HOME for mere pennies. Use a sprouting jar. Buy some broccoli sprouting seeds and sprout your own, they will generate I3C in the sprouts. Watch my video to see a super simple, low-cost way to do this:
Text version of my natural detox protocol for all chemicals (dioxin included) related to the Ohio train sabotage:
The Full Detox Protocol:
Vitamin C
Milk thistle and/or licorice root
*Aloe vera
Fish/krill oil
The Minimum Detox Protocol:
Vitamin C
NAC (n-acetylcysteine) or glutathione
Curcumin (turmeric extract)
Milk thistle and/or licorice root
Fish/krill oil
* means not safe for pets
Research I3C related to dioxins is scarce.
The long story short isssssss.... that basically any natural detox protocol will work, detoxing is detoxing I've come to learn. It's about helping your body do what it's supposed to do, not the pollutant.