Dad, Grandpa, Retired Marine, Writer Entrepreneur, World Traveler, Animal Lover, Vegan, Truth Seeker, Freedom Fighter!
@stevemotley Thank you for your service.
@stevemotley New Orleans has strict gun laws? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Do you really think these criminals use legal guns? Since Katrina New Orleans is a very dangerous city, much more dangerous than before even. You wouldn’t catch me there in broad daylight in a crowd of people and I used to go there at least once a month. The politicians there used to move dead bodies out of the parish so as not to scare off the tourists with the astronomical murder rate. Not anymore.
@stevemotley All gun control laws were made illegal by the Dick Act of 1902. There are no rules to the 2nd amendment. We can have as many rounds in a clip or barrel as we want. April broke an all time high in records historically in gun sales. Never have this many guns been sold in a month is our new history. I guess this says the people have had it with the corruption, and it is our duty and right as Americans to use guns to get rid of evil, greedy corrupt politicians.