I doubt the US House can FORCE the Chinese to do "anything" but I digress.
As I read the first paragraph in this post what came to my small mind was 1984. No, of course not the real thing but the beginning of how the Powers-that-be (of then AND today) saw their chance to watch the people ALWAYS with that buit-in little camera in your computer, except in the new models that "little" camera cannot be shut off.
Sort'a like the people who finally built the A-I person who woud become self-aware, and "pulling the plug" as the builders tried to do, did not, and WOULD not, help.
Yes, I follow science fiction, especially the original Star Trek, and today "The Terminator" series. Unfortunately, what once was simple imagination is no longer. The new robots CAN speak--certainly stupidly, for now, but it won't last as the new computer whiz-kids learn their trade and develpe new ones.

" It’s not that the U.S. government wants to protect you from spying and data theft and manipulation. If only. No, the people behind the Russian collusion hoax, and the Kavanaugh hoax, and the natural…
Geller Report