Ty and Charlene are Christians, health freedom advocates, and filmmakers creating world-class health documentaries, helping you to be the best you of your life! Join the movement and be a part of our community right here on Facebook.
But in the past few decades, organized medicine has seen these as marketing opportunities, to build this enormous vaccine industry that we see today.
#TTAV #BigPharma #truth #healthfreedom #vaccineindustry #vaccine #TheTruthAboutVaccines #mandatoryvaccinations #forcedvaccinations
@thetruthaboutvaccines Great to find you on this platform! I've been following you for a while on FB. I appreciate what you are doing and that it's high quality stuff incl research. I have recently bought the book with the same name (haven't read it yet). Maybe it's getting harder to share things honestly and openly on the big platforms? Especially about vaccines? I will check out what you share about the covid vaxx... I live in Finland, where they have recently started the vaxx program from Pfizer. I feel so ambivalent and it's disturbing that media here don't ask any critical questions.
@tanjaostman - Thank you so much for reaching out and keeping up with us for so long! We'd love for you to join our free email newsletter! That way you can stay informed of all breaking news, docu-series, and more! https://tinyurl.com/TTAV-join
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