Ty and Charlene are Christians, health freedom advocates, and filmmakers creating world-class health documentaries, helping you to be the best you of your life! Join the movement and be a part of our community right here on Facebook.
No other developed country administers as many vaccine doses in the first 2 years of life as the U.S. & the truth is that the infant mortality rates are quite high in the U.S. compared to other industrialized countries. Coincidence?
#TTAV #health #truth #research #educate #TheTruthAboutVaccines #vaccine #vaccines #ChildrensHealth #VaccineResearch #VaccineTruth
@thetruthaboutvaccines I saw a VAERS report of a breastfeeding toddler breaking out in a body and face rash two days after the mother had the vax shot. Another where a 29 week baby died in utero. This is all madness.
@vivvischnell - Unfortunately, we know this narrative all too well. Please keep informed other parents, especially new/first time patients about the VAERS reporting system. So many new families and young doctors know nothing about its existence. You're right, it is absolute madness, which is why we need to work together to reach the masses more than ever before.