Ty and Charlene are Christians, health freedom advocates, and filmmakers creating world-class health documentaries, helping you to be the best you of your life! Join the movement and be a part of our community right here on Facebook.
Member since Sep 2020
We get bombarded by a big push from the media, hospitals, our kid’s schools… It seems like everyone around us is telling us that we need to get a flu shot. But are they effective? Are they safe? Learn more here. https://tinyurl.com/ttav-flu-shot
#TheTruthAboutVaccines #flushot #fluvaccine #thetruth #educate #health

Should I Get A Flu Shot? | The Truth About Vaccines
Advertisements are everywhere and you may be asking yourself, "Should I get a flu shot this year?" Be sure to read this before making your decision.
tinyurl.comExcellent observation!