Faith in Jesus Christ, Married, Retired, 27 yrs Active Army, Soldier for Life, and Patriot
This article has some bad science in it:
It suggests taking 400IU to protect against covid. First, covid isnt doing the killing. Its vitamin deficiencies, mainly D. The medical community doesnt want you to know that taking high dose Vit D will empty out the hospitals. That happened in the 1920s. Vit D doesnt treat, it CURES. Did you know 20 mins in the sun below 35th parallel will get you 15,000 IUs (no Sunscreen). And to prevent sunburn, take 25mg beta carotene.

British Member of Parliament David Davis is urging the British government to strengthen its vitamin D supplementation program for people at-risk of COVID-19 following an impressive precedent set by Andalusia…